Been all across the fourms and haven't seen that come up yet, or if it has then I've missed it somehow. But will the legs be replaceable? I have the newer P2 with the compass built into the legs (purchased in Feb.) and wasn't happy to find this out when i got it.
Dislike seeing the legs in my footage when maneuvering. Of course yes I know i could make slower turns, but to not have to deal with it at all would be great. Not asking to much there I think. Or DJI could have redesigned the legs for the PC3. Made them alil wider.
If you are at full forward elevator and do not move the camera from level then yes you will see them. If you point the camera downward then no you will no see them.
Soooooo....did some looking around @labroides and @Tahoe_Ed. Still didn't see any specs on legs. Any sources you all can point me to, or Tahoe_Ed can you verify that labroides statement is indeed factual???