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Mavic Pro: Manual focus hangs camera
1085 1 2018-1-7
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 543110 ft

Firmware: v01.04.0100
iOS version: 11.2.1
DJI Go4 iOS version: 4.1.22
Android version: 8.1.0
DJI Go4 Android verssion: 4.1.22

I have this problem both on iOS and Android, so I suspect it may be related to Mavic itself.

The problem: When I try to use manual focus camera stops responding.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Switch to manual focus. Try to snap a photo or take a video: everything works fine
2. Try to adjust manual focus: focus adjusts fine
3. Try to snap a photo or take a video: the camera doesn't respond.

At this point, the camera doesn't respond to anything. I cannot switch photo/video modes, I cannot take pictures, I cannot adjust shooting settings, I even cannot reset camera settings. Only things that responding is focus adjustment. Live feed is ok.

The only way to get out of this state is to power-cycle the drone. Restarting app is not enough. Interestingly enough, when in this state drone takes a lot of time to shutdown. Tap, tap-and-hold the power button, it does its usual animation with battery lights. But then sits with top light on (and drone powered) for 10 secs. Like something is taking longer time to shut down. If I didn't try to use manual focus and camera isn't in this state drone shuts down almost instantly when I tell it to do so.

I didn't use manual focus a lot, so I cannot say if it began with this firmware or earlier.

I tried to google if it's a known issue but didn't find anything.

Auto-focus and tap-to-focus work fine.

Thanks for any advice!
Use props
Flight distance : 543110 ft

Firmware v01.04.0200 solved the issue
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