 First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
United States
sdeardorff1 Posted at 2018-1-12 19:56
Thank you for your reply. I'm eager to test. Question though. Is this a screen shot from an Inspire 2 interface or are you showing me settings from a different craft. The only reason I ask is because my gain values go up to 130%, where as yours look like they only go to 120%. Second question, increasing the gain increases the movement correct? Again thank you. SD
1) Yes, these are screen shots with my Inspire 2 connected to my iPhone 8 Plus. You are seeing the latest version of the App on my aircraft using my Cendence remote.
2) Yes, if an you increase the gain values it will give some more movement in that axis. I find that 100% is enough for me. Keep in mind that if you have higher gains, it will more difficult to make you videos smooth.