Hi There
Pasting my posts from the forum in an e-mail, since I have not got any reply 
Pretty much everything with the Inspire1 hardware Is great. But the one thing that keeps me disappointed every time I look at the footage is the settings in the H264 compression of the Inspire1. First of all you really need to enable I-frame recording and push the bitrate as much as you can. Looking at my footage it’s obvious that the compression artifacts are smoothing small details everywhere in the image, looking like wax. The GOP sequence also limits me from doing any fast pans or tilts without major compression problems. H264 compression will actually look great, as long as you have the bitrate supporting the resolution, and right now they are not in sync. With long GOP(8 frames) sequences the H264 compression gets terribly bad. You get what is called residual compression artefacts that stay between I-frames. Basically the noise freezes for 8 frames at a time, then updates when a new intra frame is encoded. Creating the stuttering effect in the footage. So this means that some of the footage actually has a lower, perceived framerate, than recorded. All of this is caused by the compression settings in the camera. The image from the camera without the H264 compression will probably look gorgeous. There is no magic filter or noise reduction that can compensate for a low bitrate destroying the details produced by the Inspire 1 H264 compression. Basically thats what it is, the problem is the compression of the material. No matter how you adjust the sharpness, LOG or any other setting for that mater can make the footage look better. Please, I bought this hardware for professional filming and I can’t use it for more premium work. Its just a waste of technology as it works now. Every firmware update you release to the inspire might give it more stable GPS, better compass and so on. Everything boils down to this, every Inspire feature request ends up in the camera in one way or another. Whats the point with all the updates if video compression still looks terrible….
DJI – Need to have for usable video recordings Higher and Constant Bitrate (at least the double amount) Intra frame recording |