 First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
United Kingdom
The 02.00.0106 release cured the horizon tilt on the camera/gimbal for me, so that was a big fix on what is a video/photo platform.
There is the instability issue that a significant number reported with 02.00.0106, there is also a problem with 4k @ 30 fps video stopping and gimbal resetting randomly (could be 2 minutes, or 20, or none during some flights). This results in a loss of video feed from aircraft for about ten seconds or so.
There have been a few attempts to fix these problems, the first real success was the release of the 02.00.0600 Beta, which has been superseded by the 02.00.0700 Beta which is by invite only at DJIs discretion. Hopefully there will be a formal release soon. |