Finally Flew For The First Time
1678 21 2018-1-13
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Hazy Jay
United Kingdom

I finally got out and did some flying today for the first time. I was so focussed on watching the bird and getting muscle memory in my fingers that I didn't check the camera before hitting record. I'd left it in manual mode when I was playing about the other day. Consequently 15 minutes of the 17 shot were all bleached out before I realised.

I'm impressed by this bird for sure. It was so easy to control even with gusts of around 20mph here and there. I didn't choose a great location to fly but I didn't have time to travel too far away either so I practiced the general controls and feel it's quite intuitive - mostly.
I'm also pleased to report no issues with the updated firmwares either. At least not in this first 17 minutes of flight.

One thing I did notice, the app said that auto take off had initiated but the phantom just sat in its starting point and if I hit the auto take off button the app asked me if I wanted to land the phantom. Consequently I didn't use ATOL and just took off myself. And when it came to landing I opted for catch landings rather than a 'to the ground' landing.
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Flight distance : 15095994 ft
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United Kingdom

The important thing is that you crossed the line and finally took it out there. The 'take off' notification pops up as soon as you arm the motors, whether the drone is airborne or not.
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Hand catch landing technique seems to be rather brave approach for a beginner, I must say. Why would you do that during maiden flight, having no previous experience with this bird? I'm using a word "bravery" as politely as I can ...
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Hazy Jay
United Kingdom

I have Asperger's & hyperfocus, I spent several full days watching videos/reading info before buying, and I've watched a ton of device specific videos on how to do this 'n' that since buying. My landing location was sheltered from the gusts of wind and I felt more confident going for a stalled hover hand catch than using the ATOL in app as it had already reported a take off when it remained on the ground. That didn't give me confidence in it getting a landing right in that location.

Despite the bleaching out of the first 15 minutes of footage I did get 2 minutes worth that was usable as a first flight vid:
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Hazy Jay Posted at 2018-1-13 13:56
I have Asperger's & hyperfocus, I spent several full days watching videos/reading info before buying, and I've watched a ton of device specific videos on how to do this 'n' that since buying. My landing location was sheltered from the gusts of wind and I felt more confident going for a stalled hover hand catch than using the ATOL in app as it had already reported a take off when it remained on the ground. That didn't give me confidence in it getting a landing right in that location.

Despite the bleaching out of the first 15 minutes of footage I did get 2 minutes worth that was usable as a first flight vid:

First flights are always fun.
Dont worry about the video at this stage just concentrate on enjoying the flights and getting used to how the drone reacts to your input.
Learning how to fly safely is far more important than any video at this stage once you have mastered the controls then start thinking about getting some video.
The guys here have many years of experience and should be able to answer nearly any question you may have.

Welcome to the club and the forum

Fly safe
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

Hazy Jay Posted at 2018-1-13 13:56
I have Asperger's & hyperfocus, I spent several full days watching videos/reading info before buying, and I've watched a ton of device specific videos on how to do this 'n' that since buying. My landing location was sheltered from the gusts of wind and I felt more confident going for a stalled hover hand catch than using the ATOL in app as it had already reported a take off when it remained on the ground. That didn't give me confidence in it getting a landing right in that location.

Despite the bleaching out of the first 15 minutes of footage I did get 2 minutes worth that was usable as a first flight vid:

Good stuff, keep the film safe, it will be worth looking at again in the future. Have fun.
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Hazy Jay
United Kingdom

Thanks The video was purely as a record of my progress hence why I bleached out 15 minutes of footage ha ha I'm keeping it though, it'll be on google drive soon and several other locations as progress indicators. Today I just wanted to fly as I was worried about the firmware bug, tomorrow and this week coming I'll be heading for better locations to practice manoeuvres more solidly.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

You can play around on the onboard flight SIM as well.

Congrats on the drone flight. That was easy... Ha

Keep at it, will only improve. ;-)

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

Matthew Dobrski Posted at 2018-1-13 12:39
Hand catch landing technique seems to be rather brave approach for a beginner, I must say. Why would you do that during maiden flight, having no previous experience with this bird? I'm using a word "bravery" as politely as I can ...

Indeed, although with a dog about I normally hand catch too.

It can be dangerous if you don't do it right - always keep it above head height when you approach and never fight it over position (because it will win), just support it's weight until the  motors power down.
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Hazy Jay
United Kingdom

RedHotPoker Posted at 2018-1-13 18:38
You can play around on the onboard flight SIM as well.

Congrats on the drone flight. That was easy... Ha

I've tried to get into Simulator Lite via Assistant but the craft never operates. And I've done the sim in the app but that's pointless as it never gives me tasks to do, just tells me off for flying away so I gave up on that.

There was another 15 minutes of flight but the video was bleached out due to over exposure. Y'day was about getting a feel for the controls. I'll be out during this week in a better location practicing various manoeuvres.
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Hazy Jay
United Kingdom

Nigel_ Posted at 2018-1-14 01:38
Indeed, although with a dog about I normally hand catch too.

It can be dangerous if you don't do it right - always keep it above head height when you approach and never fight it over position (because it will win), just support it's weight until the  motors power down.

Thanks   I found hand catching really easy tbh and yes, kept it above head height on all 6 take off & landings yday (the one in the video above was the lowest hand catch as I was ready to go home by then).

I'm glad my friend was with me as my dog really didn't like the sound of the Phantom. But then she's never liked anything that goes in the air. I took a stunt kite out once and whilst I was flying she ran off only to be found sat outside my front door wanting to go indoors
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Hazy Jay Posted at 2018-1-14 03:30
I've tried to get into Simulator Lite via Assistant but the craft never operates. And I've done the sim in the app but that's pointless as it never gives me tasks to do, just tells me off for flying away so I gave up on that.

There was another 15 minutes of flight but the video was bleached out due to over exposure. Y'day was about getting a feel for the controls. I'll be out during this week in a better location practicing various manoeuvres.

All though the DJI flight SIM is very basic, in your first post in this thread you mentioned muscle memory.
The Flight SIMs are decently produced for that small feat.
Are you a stick thumb pilot or are you a pincher? Just curious how you pilot the RC.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 2501575 ft
United Kingdom

Nice one ...  , good luck and fly safe
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Hazy Jay
United Kingdom

RedHotPoker Posted at 2018-1-14 12:48
All though the DJI flight SIM is very basic, in your first post in this thread you mentioned muscle memory.
The Flight SIMs are decently produced for that small feat.
Are you a stick thumb pilot or are you a pincher? Just curious how you pilot the RC.

It's actually easier with the real drone Muscle memory I refer to as looking at the drone and instinctively moving the controls. I find this very easy (maybe because I've done flight sims before and am familiar with yaw, throttle, pitch, roll etc). The sim on a Samsung S8 is a very small craft on the screen and the phone continuously wants to go to sleep even when using it. If I could get the sim lite working via assistant I'd be more inclined to use that as I have a larger iMac screen to see it on.

I find pinching the controls makes me more jerky, I am a gentle thumb controller
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

It's actually easier with the real drone  Muscle memory I refer to as looking at the drone and instinctively moving the controls. I find this very easy (maybe because I've done flight sims before and am familiar with yaw, throttle, pitch, roll etc). The sim on a Samsung S8 is a very small craft on the screen and the phone continuously wants to go to sleep even when using it. If I could get the sim lite working via assistant I'd be more inclined to use that as I have a larger iMac screen to see it on.

I find pinching the controls makes me more jerky, I am a gentle thumb controller

Oh, I see you are restricted by a dimunitive screen real-estate, no matter which orientation you choose.. That would be dull for me. I actually began this Phantom 3 Pro journey with an iPad Mini2 and soon discovered that screen to be too tiny for my liking. Besides, mine overheated very quickly. I returned it for an incredible iPad Air2 Cellular, which has been wonderful. Using a dedicated device with its larger screen allows me to see all the camera controls easily, and the screen is very bright, clear and great to navigate from. Aside from a sunny day glare...

I had to add the metal based Inspire 1 device holder, as the original holder was just too flimsy-wobbly and weak, for the larger screened slightly heavier device.
image.png Now you can buy them in a variety of colors.

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Hazy Jay
United Kingdom

Cool A friend of mine told me today I can buy his 1st gen iPad Pro (9.7") off him in the next few weeks as he's been thinking of upgrading.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Hazy Jay Posted at 2018-1-16 09:12
Cool  A friend of mine told me today I can buy his 1st gen iPad Pro (9.7") off him in the next few weeks as he's been thinking of upgrading.

The iPad pro 9.7 is a good choice, I've never had any problems running DJI Go 4 App'. And it fits just snug into the tablet holder for the P4. The P4 controller already has the sturdier aluminium bracket which works well in supporting the iPad pro 9.7.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Welcome to the club, it is always nice to share the fun and excitement one has when they get their first flight behind them...the great part is the fun never really stops and there always seems to be more challenges behind every turn.

FYI-while you've stated your reason for hand catching in lieu of landing, besides the obvious hazards of the spinning props, you should also be aware that this technique has been determined to contribute to landing strut stress resulting in cracks developing.  I'm not sure what technique may work best for you, you will have to sort that out, but be aware that you may find that you are damaging your bird over time.

Good Luck and Enjoy...Fly Safe!
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Hazy Jay
United Kingdom

Genghis9 Posted at 2018-1-16 09:45
Welcome to the club, it is always nice to share the fun and excitement one has when they get their first flight behind them...the great part is the fun never really stops and there always seems to be more challenges behind every turn.

FYI-while you've stated your reason for hand catching in lieu of landing, besides the obvious hazards of the spinning props, you should also be aware that this technique has been determined to contribute to landing strut stress resulting in cracks developing.  I'm not sure what technique may work best for you, you will have to sort that out, but be aware that you may find that you are damaging your bird over time.

Thanks for that info. On the 6 hand catches that I did I never felt any resistance from the craft. I held loosely whilst powering down but you do raise a good point. My only reason for hand catching was that I hadn't chosen a good location and did not want to damage camera/gimbal on landing, amongst other reasons.

I'm probably going to get one of those pop out landing pads at some point in the near future.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Hazy Jay Posted at 2018-1-16 13:14
Thanks for that info. On the 6 hand catches that I did I never felt any resistance from the craft. I held loosely whilst powering down but you do raise a good point. My only reason for hand catching was that I hadn't chosen a good location and did not want to damage camera/gimbal on landing, amongst other reasons.

I'm probably going to get one of those pop out landing pads at some point in the near future.

That is one technique, but I know of others who use a thin piece or wood, a sheet of cardboard, a square of carpet, and even a windshield sunshade...just about anything your imagination can think up may work for you until you settle on a final plan.
Best to ya
Use props
Flight distance : 165105 ft

Hazy Jay Posted at 2018-1-16 09:12
Cool  A friend of mine told me today I can buy his 1st gen iPad Pro (9.7") off him in the next few weeks as he's been thinking of upgrading.

That would be a great choice. Plenty of screen to see all the controls and scenery easily.
I hope you are happy with it. Please report back, once you get it hooked up. Thanks


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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

Huh... congrats. I lost the final sunset video series last year thru Cut and paste. I know mistakes. I learned.
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