DJI Mindy
Fly2017 Posted at 2018-1-17 21:35
Hello, Mindy! I have the same problem too. I did not use my inspire 2 for two months and one week ago I tried to fly but at the time when I fly up "DJI Go" gives me warnings that do not use High-Altitude Propellers at the low altitude (note: I use normal prop. # 1550CW and before never had the message). When my drone reached operation position at the 2 meters high, it started to shake horrible... I did all calibration, however there were no any changing. Then I thought that problem due to low temp. (app. minus 15 C). I had to wait four days till warming-up... however I had same problem and my inspire shaked after fly up at 2 meters. Then I did all up dates and today test my inspire, I had same message do not use High-Altitude Propellers and my inspire droped from 2 meters to the ground. Fortunately, there is no any damage and I test my inspire without X5S camera... What is happen with my inspire 2, I use my flycammera for 8 months and never have the problem?
Sorry to know that you encountered the same issue, fortunately there is no damage, could you please sync the flight records and provide me your DJI account and the date that the error occurs? I will forward to our engineers for analysis, thank you. |