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Spark and wild dogs
3206 21 2018-1-15
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Flight distance : 123947 ft

Hey guys.
I’m on vacation and took my spark along. Taking some nice videos and pictures.

Today when my battery was getting lower i came back to Land. When i was about 100m away 3 wild stray dogs came running and barking. They were very aggressive and wanted to attack the drone. I was still over the ocean and the dogs ran into the ocean (not very deep).Unfortunately my battery was getting quite low so I had to start to think about landing. I did not know how to get rid of the dogs. I tried going into sports mode and fly far away, but the dogs were quite fast and by the time I was close enough to land on my hand, they had caught up again and were jumping for the drone. So I decided to fly into the bushes where they couldn’t reach. I was successful, unfortunately I have 2 broken propellers now
I was really worried the dogs might attack me once I take the  drone.

So in all luckily not too much happened but it worries me for further flights where animals might get aggressive.
Have you had any similar experiences or any methods on how to calm the animals?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 106886 ft
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United States

Wow, what a bizarre story
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3307 ft

Wish you could post some videos or pictures. Heard the beaches are to die for in Seychelles.

Wild dogs attack in pack so be very careful. If they are desperate enough they will attack anything.

Have someone accompany you on your ventures with Spark.

Of course be safe first then have fun.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 779245 ft
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United Kingdom

I was testing my new carbon props on my phantom 3 a few years ago and my dog managed to get through our garden gate just as I started the drone, he went straight for it going mental, i had to fire her straight up in the air, he leapt for the phantom and only just missed it. With the carbon props on if they had hit him it would have been incredibly messy. Some dogs hate the sound of the drone.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 20830 ft
United States

Sorry to hear this. It must have been scary.  I've not had this sort of thing happen to me, but I have owned dogs all my life. The only thing I can think to suggest is to carry some sort of food/treats in your pocket for times like this. Get your drone up to a distance where it's no longer distracting to the dogs, toss the food/treats out to them, quickly land your drone while the dogs are distracted by eating, and get out of the area. Basically, all you are doing is creating a temporary diversion.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 460676 ft
United States

I have seen dogs jump and bark at my spark when landing.... I make sure they are on a leash, then stop.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 278379 ft

Linny&HerSpark Posted at 2018-1-15 07:48
Sorry to hear this. It must have been scary.  I've not had this sort of thing happen to me, but I have owned dogs all my life. The only thing I can think to suggest is to carry some sort of food/treats in your pocket for times like this. Get your drone up to a distance where it's no longer distracting to the dogs, toss the food/treats out to them, quickly land your drone while the dogs are distracted by eating, and get out of the area. Basically, all you are doing is creating a temporary diversion.

LOL......with wild dogs in the area if he had treats in his pockets he might as well go out there with a pork chop tied around his neck.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 20830 ft
United States

Far_North Posted at 2018-1-15 08:49
LOL......with wild dogs in the area if he had treats in his pockets he might as well go out there with a pork chop tied around his neck.

You do have a point. LOL. I've not had too much of an issue with any dogs bothering me, though, when I have treats in my pockets. But I do keep them in a zip lock bag.

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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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First: I am a animal friend, dogs, cats, whatever!

But my advice:
If you are in an area with 'wild' doggies :
(most strays in close distance to human areas belong to humans.
Only no one does more as feeding and kicking 'em away, as soon they find the first tick)

Collect a long tree branch on the way, bring something up front, 'park' it near by
And bring the bird back with some 20% battery left, so that you can park it in the air.
Then show and swing the branch, maybe grab some stones and throw them in the dogs directions.
Most of the time, strays knowing what a stone is, or a branch, even a large umbrella will do.
And they respect it, with distance.
By experience.
That you in over 90% not have to refresh

Try it, maybe without a Spark in the air.
If you see 'wild dogs', and they see you, bend over and grab a stone, toss it in your hand and look at the reaction.
Next step grab a piece of wood, and look again.

In western worlds, the doggy may try to get the stick and play.
In other areas they do not know, that a piece in the hand of the human is for playing!
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

The downward vision positioning system used on most modern drones uses ultra sonic sensors to 'see' the ground. Whilst the current emitted from the drone is impossible to be heard by the human ear dogs and some larger animals are very drawn to it and it upsets them. That is why it states in the DJI manual not to fly close to larger animals: -

"Keep animals away from the aircraft when the Downward Vision System is activated. The sonar sensor emits high frequency sounds that are audible to some animals".
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Flight distance : 123947 ft

Sorry, my previous post did not make a lot of sense.
The internet connection here is quite weak and therefore many things don’t work well.
It is strange though, that when I fly my spark, I see a lot of WiFi noise especially in the 2.4ghz, but the WiFi for internet is still
How ironic!
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Flight distance : 123947 ft

So anyways it seem that the dogs, that were attacking actually seem to belong to the little hotel I’m staying at. They are stray dogs and nobody owns them, but they stay here and “take care” of the place.
So it seems they were very protective and trying to protect the hotel of maybe even me from an intruder!!

When I went to the beach yesterday night for a short walk, the three dogs followed me in a protective manner always running close by and checking around. It was so strange!

So things seem a lot more relaxed now, but yesterday was quite scary! I’m happy not much happened to the drone and will make sure not to fly close to the hotel anymore

I’ll post a picture later, if I can upload one!

Ps. For some reason it always cuts my reply so only half of my message is here. I don’t know why... sorry bout that it’s quite a hassle to get the full message here. I wrote it 2 times already
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4058619 ft
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United States

I think the sound from the props has a frequency that bothers dogs. I've noticed that they react differently with the Spark, Mavic and P4P. The P4P makes them crazier than the others. The reason I think it's the props, I put the new platinum props on the Mavic and they ignore it. With the original props, they barked at it.
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A CW Posted at 2018-1-15 10:21
The downward vision positioning system used on most modern drones uses ultra sonic sensors to 'see' the ground. Whilst the current emitted from the drone is impossible to be heard by the human ear dogs and some larger animals are very drawn to it and it upsets them. That is why it states in the DJI manual not to fly close to larger animals: -

"Keep animals away from the aircraft when the Downward Vision System is activated. The sonar sensor emits high frequency sounds that are audible to some animals".

Spark uses infrared sensor. No sonar.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

So it does. Best to keep your distance anyway.
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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

Why does it throw up ultrasonic alarms then?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 460676 ft
United States

so I have seen dogs bark and jump at the Spark.
They are to be avoided.
I just wish I had some footage.  Maybe someone does.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Bright Spark Posted at 2018-1-16 09:46
Why does it throw up ultrasonic alarms then?

It uses IR VPS but Heliman is right, it doesn't use the same sonic sensors that the Mavic and Phantom series use. VR doesn't impact on animals.
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Bright Spark Posted at 2018-1-16 09:46
Why does it throw up ultrasonic alarms then?

For the same reason it says "please switch to atti mode”.
(defective app).
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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

OK thanks.
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Flight distance : 120361 ft

rimza Posted at 2018-1-15 07:01
Wish you could post some videos or pictures. Heard the beaches are to die for in Seychelles.

Wild dogs attack in pack so be very careful. If they are desperate enough they will attack anything.

I had dog almost take my spark out the air, I didn't see him coming.   I flew the drone back with the dog in hot pursuit and palm landed. - The dog was quite friendly, though.

" Heard the beaches are to die for in Seychelles."

Don't waste your money.  There are some good beaches.  Everything way overpriced for visitors, you'll come back feeling used.  There are plenty of other cool exotic places in the region with great beaches, where you won't be taken advantage of.
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Flight distance : 123947 ft

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