Flight distance : 5922034 ft
First: I am a animal friend, dogs, cats, whatever!
But my advice:
If you are in an area with 'wild' doggies :
(most strays in close distance to human areas belong to humans.
Only no one does more as feeding and kicking 'em away, as soon they find the first tick)
Collect a long tree branch on the way, bring something up front, 'park' it near by
And bring the bird back with some 20% battery left, so that you can park it in the air.
Then show and swing the branch, maybe grab some stones and throw them in the dogs directions.
Most of the time, strays knowing what a stone is, or a branch, even a large umbrella will do.
And they respect it, with distance.
By experience.
That you in over 90% not have to refresh
Try it, maybe without a Spark in the air.
If you see 'wild dogs', and they see you, bend over and grab a stone, toss it in your hand and look at the reaction.
Next step grab a piece of wood, and look again.
In western worlds, the doggy may try to get the stick and play.
In other areas they do not know, that a piece in the hand of the human is for playing!