Facebook or no Facebook, that is the question?
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1950 43 2018-1-20
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Flight distance : 139649 ft

This is a post directed first and foremost to DJI; anybody else wanting to reply is welcome, indeed, I would be happy to know if my concern is alone.

Dear DJI, I explicitly do not wish for any of the information or content I post here to appear on Facebook. I do not like the way Facebook is marketed and many of the uses to which its management and its members exploit Facebook for personal gains. I have had past issues with some of my employees and their Facebook “information” that has concluded just short of legal action. If I have signed or agreed that anything I post here is free to be used for further advertising (which is your primary intent with Facebook) I ask kindly to be advised of that and I will post no more.

I am aware that any person can copy and post anything from here, but I expressly dislike the idea of it being used for a professionally organised promotion.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

Let me support you in that please. I am another hater of face thingy, it has caused so many problems. For that and many reasons I will have nothing to do with it, and thus likewise, I would not wish to see anything I post here transplanted to that place, especially if I can be identified from it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

embayweather Posted at 2018-1-20 05:52
Let me support you in that please. I am another hater of face thingy, it has caused so many problems. For that and many reasons I will have nothing to do with it, and thus likewise, I would not wish to see anything I post here transplanted to that place, especially if I can be identified from it.

Thank you embayweather. This forum is for enthusiasts of DJI drone flying and serves the interest of people with a DJI drone. Facebook serves the great masses. I have common interests with people here, I am in my comfort zone.
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Flight distance : 4655896 ft
United States

Well stated Dockater, keep me off that face hate thing too please.  A terrrible place to make “friends”
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 3613307 ft
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Bad experiences with F B I long time ago , sorry but i m not going to joing this "new site"
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

Nebicaneser Posted at 2018-1-20 10:27
Bad experiences with F B I long time ago , sorry but i m not going to joing this "new site"

Good lord, I first read your reply as FBI, but now my blood pressure has regulated itself. Thanks fir the reply.
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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Dockater Posted at 2018-1-20 13:10
Good lord, I first read your reply as FBI, but now my blood pressure has regulated itself. Thanks fir the reply.

LOL. Same here.
I am on FB, but mainly for the special groups with similar minded people (like model trains etc. )
Just an easy way when there is no forum I guess...
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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Oh and PS, I use a different browser just for my Facebook sessions so they won't track my internet moves too easily.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Don’t want my face in any book. Bad enough that I have to look at it everyday in the mirror.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

ALABAMA Posted at 2018-1-20 13:55
Don’t want my face in any book. Bad enough that I have to look at it everyday in the mirror.

Oh you poor guy. I have had mine removed. The mirror that is, not the face, although now I think of it, it could be an alternative.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

Montfrooij Posted at 2018-1-20 13:46
LOL. Same here.
I am on FB, but mainly for the special groups with similar minded people (like model trains etc. )
Just an easy way when there is no forum I guess...

I too have a Facebook presence, it is necessary for several reasons to check some things occasionally. I had a case of two of my employees running a mobbing campaign against another, it was horrific. It is part of life I guess, like that stuff you step into on the walkway, but try to avoid.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Great post, nice and politely you just wrote what i tried in the FB thread, thanks
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Concur!...and then some
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Wait. So if I post here, my post may end up on facebook? I don't agree with that at all and if there is a photo involved might not (C) (or at least terms and conditions) be violated?
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Actually, even without a photo there is a probable copyright issue by posting my words elsewhere; I don't recall giving that permission or transferring the copyright of my words written here over to DJI.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

KedDK Posted at 2018-1-20 15:30
Great post, nice and politely you just wrote what i tried in the FB thread, thanks

Hi FredDK, it was your reply #74 that persuaded me to post this thread. There seems to be a lot of people who want to distance themselves or at least opt out. I can understand the reasons for DJI to involve themselves in Facebook, it is the connection to this forum that worries, nay, scares me. This forum is 99.9% drone interest, Facebook 99.9% self interest. Facebook is the real jungle. My opinion, I feel it is comparable to toasting marshmallows with them between your toes; you can get seriously burned!
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft

Facebook is a haven for whiners, braggers and nonsense.

If I am obsessed about knowing what you ate for dinner, or want to hear you cry about people who don't care about the national anthem in the NFL, then I'll waste my precious time on facebook.  -But actually, I don't.  I don't post on facebook.  My life is private, and anyone who doesn't care to talk to me personally, has no business knowing whats going on in my life.  I do keep the page open so other family can tag me in their photos and events that I partake in, but that's pretty much it.

Now if i want to have FUN conversations about DJI, my Phantom 4 Pro, or UAV tips and tricks... then this is where I go.  And all of you have been an enjoyable link in that aspect of my life.  So thank you, DJI.  I am happy that you created a Facebook page, but I prefer to keep things here exclusively for my DJI friends.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

CraigR Posted at 2018-1-20 16:35
Actually, even without a photo there is a probable copyright issue by posting my words elsewhere; I don't recall giving that permission or transferring the copyright of my words written here over to DJI.

Under “Rules and Regulations for the Forum” there are very few references to copyright, there are indeed few references to the responsibilities that DJI have or at least accept.  XIII: Limitation of liability, has no mention of copyright. It is of note that at no point is there any mention of rights to use this material in any other form than this forum.

Copyright laws differ from country to country, so does jurisdiction, I am not a lawyer and there are certainly more knowledgeable people in this forum. What concerns me and obviously others is using my input here for commercial purposes by open publication or linking it to a platform that I do not trust.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

Kuya Kano Posted at 2018-1-20 16:45
Facebook is a haven for whiners, braggers and nonsense.

If I am obsessed about knowing what you ate for dinner, or want to hear you cry about people who don't care about the national anthem in the NFL, then I'll waste my precious time on facebook.  -But actually, I don't.  I don't post on facebook.  My life is private, and anyone who doesn't care to talk to me personally, has no business knowing whats going on in my life.  I do keep the page open so other family can tag me in their photos and events that I partake in, but that's pretty much it.

I agree 100% particularly your thanks to DJI for this forum. I also think it is great that DJI has opened a Facebook page. It will be interesting to see how much bad press they get and how it is dealt with.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 503635 ft
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United States

Add me to this list of anti Facebook. FaceCrap is the devil. I have no presence there, and never will. If my content here is to be mirrored there in any way, I will no longer contribute.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

BigBlueTsunami Posted at 2018-1-20 18:04
Add me to this list of anti Facebook. FaceCrap is the devil. I have no presence there, and never will. If my content here is to be mirrored there in any way, I will no longer contribute.


Strange up till now there are no positives, thanks for your reply. Neither are there any replies from DJI yet, let us see.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 503635 ft
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United States

I once was a member to interact with family who lived distant. Now, due to that interaction, I am estranged from them. Which eliminated the need for membership. Win/win. There is nothing positive about Facecrap. In my perfect utopia it would not exist.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Dockater Posted at 2018-1-20 17:23
I agree 100% particularly your thanks to DJI for this forum. I also think it is great that DJI has opened a Facebook page. It will be interesting to see how much bad press they get and how it is dealt with.

I actually think DJI has had a FB page for a long time, this FB group whatever it is, is something new i think.
What i object against is that, as i read the new FB thread, i could risk what i would share here can end over there, a site i have no relations to.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
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Well, I don't have an issue with DJI having a Facebook presence. I use FB regularly myself, and sadly it's the only way I'd get to hear from my daughter otherwise (many of you here with Millennial kids would relate to that, I'm sure). As an IT auditor and risk manager, I can say that FB security and privacy controls are quite good currently (it hasn't always been like that), so long as you exercise those controls.

That being said, I agree as to the difference - this forum must continue to be supported by DJI as the main channel for enthusiasts, and separation maintained with FB. And the rights and privacy of the members must be respected at all times.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

How has this post come about?

Oh the irony, your official text to DJI is the sort of chain letter we see on FB every once in a while lol ps they dont mean anything nor make any difference on FB either ;) may i direct you to the ToU

4.2 Limited License Grant to DJI.
By posting or publishing User Content, you grant DJI a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid right and license (with the right to sublicense) to host, store, transfer, display, perform, reproduce, modify for the purpose of formatting for display, and distribute your User Content, in whole or in part, in any media formats and through any media channels now known or hereafter developed.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

No Facebook for me, it's a den of iniquity. Causes a lot of grief.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Bashy Posted at 2018-1-20 21:51
How has this post come about?

Oh the irony, your official text to DJI is the sort of chain letter we see on FB every once in a while lol ps they dont mean anything nor make any difference on FB either ;) may i direct you to the ToU

Where is that term to be found?
I am using the forum and see nothing like this anywhere here ...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Kuya Kano Posted at 2018-1-20 16:45
Facebook is a haven for whiners, braggers and nonsense.

If I am obsessed about knowing what you ate for dinner, or want to hear you cry about people who don't care about the national anthem in the NFL, then I'll waste my precious time on facebook.  -But actually, I don't.  I don't post on facebook.  My life is private, and anyone who doesn't care to talk to me personally, has no business knowing whats going on in my life.  I do keep the page open so other family can tag me in their photos and events that I partake in, but that's pretty much it.

Well said, well stated!
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Bashy Posted at 2018-1-20 21:51
How has this post come about?

Oh the irony, your official text to DJI is the sort of chain letter we see on FB every once in a while lol ps they dont mean anything nor make any difference on FB either ;) may i direct you to the ToU

If that's not a joke I'd hate to see what an unlimited license grant would look like LOL
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

BigBlueTsunami Posted at 2018-1-20 18:44
I once was a member to interact with family who lived distant. Now, due to that interaction, I am estranged from them. Which eliminated the need for membership. Win/win. There is nothing positive about Facecrap. In my perfect utopia it would not exist.


Fakebook is like a drug that is insidious in its nature, it sucks you in at first if you don't realize what it is and where it will lead you...
It brings out the narcissism in people that you would not think were narcissists and there is the 15 minutes of famers who are insistent on getting their fame 24/7.  Let's not forget the whiners, I've had family matters post pictures of bruises, like holly crap they wanted someone to kiss it and make it better SMH.
...and none of this addresses the issues of the FB leadership and how they manage their company, and I think that is the crux of the matter here.  This is not some public park that folks can go to and share their lives with one another it is a business that folks are dealing with, all while sharing some of the most personal and intimate details of their lives.  Would you go to the apple store and do the stuff folks do on FB and get away with it without Apple either giving you the boot or making money off it?
Yes I'm no fan
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

KedDK Posted at 2018-1-21 02:35
Where is that term to be found?
I am using the forum and see nothing like this anywhere here ...

Go to the main dji.com and look at the very bottom, its all there, you agree to it all by using their services
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Bashy Posted at 2018-1-21 03:01
Go to the main dji.com and look at the very bottom, its all there, you agree to it all by using their services

You're absolutely right, really think that should be part of the forum terms as if you find forum.dji.com by searching a problem you wont see the main site and terms there.

I think a link to that should have been replied by DJI in answer to my post here and the one above.

Strange it only goes one way, check 10. Ownership; Proprietary Rights ...

For sure that terms does that no more would be shared from my side besides strange errors in screenshots but ....

6. By using the site you agree not to
6.2 Conduct activities that may be harmful to others or that could damage DJI‘s reputation;

Guess all this forum is good for then is to lick em if we can't even report or discuss errors and malfunctions here.
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
  • >>>

Dockater Posted at 2018-1-20 14:34
I too have a Facebook presence, it is necessary for several reasons to check some things occasionally. I had a case of two of my employees running a mobbing campaign against another, it was horrific. It is part of life I guess, like that stuff you step into on the walkway, but try to avoid.

Sometimes it is even handy...
But the influence is bad.
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

Kuya Kano Posted at 2018-1-20 16:45
Facebook is a haven for whiners, braggers and nonsense.

If I am obsessed about knowing what you ate for dinner, or want to hear you cry about people who don't care about the national anthem in the NFL, then I'll waste my precious time on facebook.  -But actually, I don't.  I don't post on facebook.  My life is private, and anyone who doesn't care to talk to me personally, has no business knowing whats going on in my life.  I do keep the page open so other family can tag me in their photos and events that I partake in, but that's pretty much it.

Agreed.  No FB for me either.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

Bashy Posted at 2018-1-20 21:51
How has this post come about?

Oh the irony, your official text to DJI is the sort of chain letter we see on FB every once in a while lol ps they dont mean anything nor make any difference on FB either ;) may i direct you to the ToU

“Come in from the field,
you have slaved at the scythe
for thousands of years.
Yes, sit here sweet reaper,
he who kindly brought mercy,
relief from that wretched world.
Have some wine,”

Oh Bashy, your news comes like the “Grim Reaper”. I should have known that it was there somewhere, hidden well, waiting to be used, in anticipation, like Hagen with his spear to strike at Siegfried’s only vulnerable spot.  

I do feel the ToU could be a little more directly associated with the forum. It is as though I have discovered that my intent to join a group whose experience and assistance can be pooled for the benefit for all its members is being, or is to be, used to feed a terrorist organisation. My fault, I should have informed myself better earlier. I must now consider the consequences.
The most disappointing thing is the lack of official response; the official guidelines are not to contact DJI staff directly but to make a thread outlining the problem, that Bashy, is where this thread comes from.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Sorry chap, thought i best mention it, most forums have this sort of waiver believe it or not :/

Yes, forums normally have the tou, tos linked at the bottom of the forum, this one does not and thats perhaps down to the forum being a built from scratch jobby and not a phbb or vBulletin forum for example, with hindsight, i beleive we have to agree to DJI tou when joining, therefore their thinking would be that you should already know the tou's, yeah right, like anyone ever reads them unless they are needed lol

that Bashy, is where this thread comes from.

Perhaps i should have asked, what prompted you to be concerned enough to create this thread? i.e. have you seen your posts elsewhere?
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

KedDK Posted at 2018-1-21 03:36
You're absolutely right, really think that should be part of the forum terms as if you find forum.dji.com by searching a problem you wont see the main site and terms there.

I think a link to that should have been replied by DJI in answer to my post here and the one above.

6. By using the site you agree not to
6.2 Conduct activities that may be harmful to others or that could damage DJI‘s reputation;

Guess all this forum is good for then is to lick em if we can't even report or discuss errors and malfunctions here.

I dont think this means what you perhaps think it does, this clause could mean but not limited to smacking someone round the side of the head for wearing fatshark goggles and shouting, "in the name of DJI" ok, maybe not but you get the idea, but perhaps using this site to conduct say illegal activities that could have repercussions for DJI as a whole, say gambling, organising something , like an illegal march and so on, theres perhaps a hundred or more reasons that i cannot think of but none are about posting issues regarding your DJI product as long as said posting is in line with the tou's
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Flight distance : 844770 ft

Facestab is evil.

Also It is almost impossible to delete your account should you realise the error of your ways. It takes six weeks and if you log in to check, it cancels the account deletion. How can they sell your information to third parties if you delete your account?You are a comodity.
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Bashy Posted at 2018-1-21 20:05
Sorry chap, thought i best mention it, most forums have this sort of waiver believe it or not :/

Yes, forums normally have the tou, tos linked at the bottom of the forum, this one does not and thats perhaps down to the forum being a built from scratch jobby and not a phbb or vBulletin forum for example, with hindsight, i beleive we have to agree to DJI tou when joining, therefore their thinking would be that you should already know the tou's, yeah right, like anyone ever reads them unless they are needed lol

Actually, most forums do not claim (by a probably unenforcable T&C clause) that if you post a photo or video on their forum that they then have the right to do whatever they like (just about) with it. That's just wrong
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

I went to the 1st forum on my search on google, you posted your reply 1 min ago it says so that proves i aint been searching agines

I8. By uploading images to the site you are allowing us to publish the photo on ePHOTOzine. If we ever consider publishing your photo in any print media or on another website owned by Magezine Publishing Ltd we will contact you for permission.

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