Hello folks,
i just had to admit that i have never been absolute happy with my Spark.
After the new release of the "Mavic Air" i thougt, this is the right time to sell my good old Sparky
and try the experiment to get a new "Mavic Air", before the prices of the second hand Sparkys drop.
Now i wonder, what i have to consider by selling the Spark in terms of privacy.
I know that the Spark keeps record of it´s flights not only in the DJI Go 4 App but also as a so called
"Black box" inside the drone itself.
Do i have to delete this and if, HOW?
Do i have to worry about selling the Spark on ebay that the new owner can cause me some trouble,
when he is maybe doing some illegal actions with that drone i former owned?
I want to be on the safe side all the way!
I appreciate your opionions and help on this topic!