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Has anyone using a Zen 7 / Inspire 2 had this banding problem bef...
1997 16 2018-1-23
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R. Scott Davis
United States

I have been having problems with capturing stills on my new Zenmuse 7 camera with the Inspire 2. I keep getting these white bands at the bottom. Any suggestions?
Banding DJI_0036 upload.jpg
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DJI Mindy

Hi Scott, sorry to read on this, does the white band occur in both JPEG and RAW? How about videos?
Could you please upload more pictures in Dropbox or Google Drive and post the link here? We always need the original footage for analysis, appreciate your understanding and assistance.
Besides, what is the current firmware version and which lens are you using?
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R. Scott Davis
United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-1-24 00:00
Hi Scott, sorry to read on this, does the white band occur in both JPEG and RAW? How about videos?
Could you please upload more pictures in Dropbox or Google Drive and post the link here? We always need the original footage for analysis, appreciate your understanding and assistance.
Besides, what is the current firmware version and which lens are you using?

It is a brand new Zenmuse 7 and the Inspire 2 is brand new as well. It is happening on both the RAWS and the jpegs. We have tried three cameras now and two Inspire 2s. It occurs both in the office while testing and out on location. It doesn't do this banding with the video but the video is not a 3 x 2 ratio. It seems to be happening at the bottom of the sensor. The white band at the bottom appears to be over exposed. The technicians have updated both the drone and the camera to the latest firmware yesterday. I would be happy to send you more files. Thanks for your help. Everyone here at the Colorado DJI warehouse is completely stumped.
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R. Scott Davis
United States

I am trying to upload the RAWs as well but it is telling me it can't because the file extension.
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DJI Mindy

Hi Scott, sorry for the late response, we have forwarded your issue to our engineers for analysis, I'm afraid the device will need to be sent in for further evaluation? Did you already send in?
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Alex Dawson
Flight distance : 1787395 ft
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DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-2-3 02:39
Hi Scott, sorry for the late response, we have forwarded your issue to our engineers for analysis, I'm afraid the device will need to be sent in for further evaluation? Did you already send in?

Hi, It dosen't look good! But I would not call that banding, banding is a different issue that occurs in solid surfaces. I hope you get your problem solved. I never saw this issue on my machine and X7..?

kind regards // Alex
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R. Scott Davis

Alex Dawson Posted at 2018-2-3 06:44
Hi, It dosen't look good! But I would not call that banding, banding is a different issue that occurs in solid surfaces. I hope you get your problem solved. I never saw this issue on my machine and X7..?

kind regards // Alex

Hey guys,

Thanks so much for taking a look at that. I did ship the equipment in and it should be at the North America repair center on Monday February 5. The case number is CAS-1437241-S8G3K4. Anything you can do to help would be much appreciated. The local sales representatives in Denver Colorado were still baffled after going through 3 cameras and two drones.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Sorry to read about your problem. I does not seem logical that 2 Inspire 2 drones and 3 X7 cameras are doing the same thing.

Are you using the same SD card or SSD to record the images?  I guess you already sent the aircraft in, but I was wondering if was something simple?

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R. Scott Davis

RichJ53 Posted at 2018-2-5 21:05
Sorry to read about your problem. I does not seem logical that 2 Inspire 2 drones and 3 X7 cameras are doing the same thing.

Are you using the same SD card or SSD to record the images?  I guess you already sent the aircraft in, but I was wondering if was something simple?

Thanks for your response Rich. Hoodman 64 gb U1 cards were used. I originally ordered the U3s but was sold the U1 by mistake. I am using a Cendance controller as well. The malfunction occurred with multiples lenses. All the gear involved is as state of the art as is possible right now with Dji which makes it even more baffling. I was told by Dji repair service that they need the flight data but the errors occurred both in the office environment and outside shooting on location in a park.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

R. Scott Davis Posted at 2018-2-5 21:52
Thanks for your response Rich. Hoodman 64 gb U1 cards were used. I originally ordered the U3s but was sold the U1 by mistake. I am using a Cendance controller as well. The malfunction occurred with multiples lenses. All the gear involved is as state of the art as is possible right now with Dji which makes it even more baffling. I was told by Dji repair service that they need the flight data but the errors occurred both in the office environment and outside shooting on location in a park.

Hi Scott

Thanks for getting back to us... The U3 is definitely a faster and more desirable SD card as compared to the U1... that could be a problem?  

It sounds like you have all the state of art stuff and reading this information is very troubling..  Hope you can get this sorted out very soon.  Please report back to the forum when you find out the cause if possible.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 333799 ft
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I have just bought the 24mm and is giving me the exact same problem. 16mm was fine. Just finding this out on a job where i need this extra resolution.. dji whats going on
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First Officer
Flight distance : 333799 ft
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Ok. I think it could be the mechanical shutter, ill test it but the mexhanical shutter is for video right? So it wouldnt need the whole sensor. So is it getting in the way with fast shutter speeds???
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R. Scott Davis

Thank you for asking that question. The one consistency that I was able to find was aperture actually which I know is very strange. It seemed to occur more often in the higher ISO ranges above 800 ISO. On a particular day of testing all the errors occurred at a single Aperture F stop. One day all the errors occurred at F3.5 for example. The next day all the errors would occur at F5.6. I was shooting aperture priority and bracketing more or less starting at F16 and slowly opening the lens up from there. The speed shutter was usually 1/500 or faster. None of the artifact was visible in the crystal sky monitor while shooting.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 333799 ft
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Im pretty sure its the mechanical shutter, I disabled this and could use different apertures and iso with no overexposed band from the sensor.
Its strange if this is causing the problem, this part of the sensor wouldnt be used for video but if the mechanical shutter is getting in the way now what will happen with a full frame sensor when its released as I thought all lenses apart from the 16mm are full frame ready.
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R. Scott Davis

Morning Skyris. Thats interesting. So do you think its a manufacturing error then in the camera? I am a professional photographer and when I did my testing I used aperture priority and bracketed the entire exposure spectrum making sure to shoot exposures with the lens aperture fully open and shut down. My equipment is with Dji repair now and my biggest fear at this point is that they are going to switch out the camera thinking its "fixed" and I will continue to have problems. I have already had to cancel my trip to Indonesia for January and February. Have Dji been responsive to you?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 333799 ft
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R. Scott Davis Posted at 2018-2-11 18:32
Morning Skyris. Thats interesting. So do you think its a manufacturing error then in the camera? I am a professional photographer and when I did my testing I used aperture priority and bracketed the entire exposure spectrum making sure to shoot exposures with the lens aperture fully open and shut down. My equipment is with Dji repair now and my biggest fear at this point is that they are going to switch out the camera thinking its "fixed" and I will continue to have problems. I have already had to cancel my trip to Indonesia for January and February. Have Dji been responsive to you?

Dji are very bad at getting back to any of my problems and rely on the forum for answers.
I had this white band on the bottom of the image problem when on a job with the 24mm but never saw this with the 16mm, on site I was trying to figure this out and realised the 16mm doesn't have the mechanical shutter, I switched it off and no more problems, really this should be disabled automaticly when shooting stills.
Please let me know if its some other issue but im sure its down to the mechanical shutter of the lens getting in the way or interfering the lower part of the sensor.
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Precision Focus
Flight distance : 767096 ft

Great thread, thanks!! Had the same problem with my 35mm. Disabled the mechanical shutter and problem solved
Definetly seems to be certain higher shutter speeds only that cause the problem.
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