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New Phantom 4 Firmware Released(v02.00.0700)
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40556 74 2018-1-23
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DJI Support
Flight distance : 2408 ft
Hong Kong

  • Aircraft Firmware: v02.00.0700
  • Remote Controller Firmware: v1.9.3.0
  • DJI GO 4 App iOS: v4.1.22
  • DJI GO 4 App Android: v4.1.22

What’s New
  • Optimized GEO Zone management.
  • Optimized aircraft performance to improve stability during flight.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the camera to restart during video recording.

  • Restart the aircraft and remote controller when the update is complete.
  • If the firmware update fails, restart the aircraft, remote controller, and DJI GO 4 app or DJI Assistant 2, then try updating again.

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Flight distance : 819098 ft
United States

Is this the same firmware as the people beta testing?
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United States

My remote and aircraft lost signal after update firmware, the light keep blinking red and yellow but the light on remote control and light near memory stick is both are green, can anyway please help ?
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

Is the RC supposed to be on or off while updating the AC?? My RC is already on V. 1.9.3.  And what version of DJI Assistant2 should be used. I updated my Assistant2 weeks ago to V. 1.2.0.  I was using the old version for the P4 standard but figured maybe using the new version would correct the update problem but didn't and the old version isn't offered any more so i couldn't go back to it. And lastly should a Factory reset be performed before this Update? And of course I'll be waiting to do this update until i feel there are enough reports in that state all is well. Thank you and waiting on pins and needles.
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DJI Susan

ibuyufo Posted at 2018-1-23 21:56
Is this the same firmware as the people beta testing?

Hey there, it is recommended to connect the DJI Assistant 2 and update to the latest official version.
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DJI Susan

fans94ca618a Posted at 2018-1-23 22:08
My remote and aircraft lost signal after update firmware, the light keep blinking red and yellow but the light on remote control and light near memory stick is both are green, can anyway please help ?

Generally, the aircraft status indicator flashes red and yellow alternatively means that the compass need to be calibrated, could you double check? Also, it is recommended to contact the APP and make sure both aircraft and RC have been updated to the latest version, then link RC again. If no helps, please kindly offer the screenshot of About page and issue video for further assistance, thanks!
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DJI Susan

Normn8or Posted at 2018-1-23 23:15
Is the RC supposed to be on or off while updating the AC?? My RC is already on V. 1.9.3.  And what version of DJI Assistant2 should be used. I updated my Assistant2 weeks ago to V. 1.2.0.  I was using the old version for the P4 standard but figured maybe using the new version would correct the update problem but didn't and the old version isn't offered any more so i couldn't go back to it. And lastly should a Factory reset be performed before this Update? And of course I'll be waiting to do this update until i feel there are enough reports in that state all is well. Thank you and waiting on pins and needles.

Phantom 4 supports to upgrade firmware via DJI GO 4 and DJI Assistant 2. It is recommended to turn on the RC when you update via DJI GO 4. If you want to upgrade via DJI Assistant 2, I'll recommend to download the latest version from the corresponding product page. It's ok to restore factory reset, please backup all data in advance.
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-1-23 23:58
Phantom 4 supports to upgrade firmware via DJI GO 4 and DJI Assistant 2. It is recommended to turn on the RC when you update via DJI GO 4. If you want to upgrade via DJI Assistant 2, I'll recommend to download the latest version from the corresponding product page. It's ok to restore factory reset, please backup all data in advance.

Thank you DJI Susan....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
  • >>>
United States

Odd - I managed to update to this version fine, reset to factory default, and tried to refresh (I've been finding that success rate in update is greater when I update twice). But tried 5 times since, with each time failing - the firmware downloads and after sitting on "transmitting..." for about 10 secs I get an error with an option to upload the logs. I'm lost as to why it worked once, then just refuses thereafter.

Edit: The Assistant 2 log says that the update failed due to a "file error 224". Any ideas?
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Flight distance : 287884 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-1-23 23:58
Phantom 4 supports to upgrade firmware via DJI GO 4 and DJI Assistant 2. It is recommended to turn on the RC when you update via DJI GO 4. If you want to upgrade via DJI Assistant 2, I'll recommend to download the latest version from the corresponding product page. It's ok to restore factory reset, please backup all data in advance.

Hi Susan. Is that the 700er version what was a beta before?  With th he reported errors?
May someone can tell not only the new functions, May it is better to tell what is fixed.
Then owner can decided to install or to roll back.
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Flight distance : 1001020 ft
  • >>>

Hi Susan,

I am not using Assistant2 but just update over the RC/DJI go app. But I don’t see the new version?
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-1-23 23:58
Phantom 4 supports to upgrade firmware via DJI GO 4 and DJI Assistant 2. It is recommended to turn on the RC when you update via DJI GO 4. If you want to upgrade via DJI Assistant 2, I'll recommend to download the latest version from the corresponding product page. It's ok to restore factory reset, please backup all data in advance.

Hi. I am using your instructions for upgrading the firmware on my DJI Phantom 4. However, when I click on Firmware Update in DJI Assistant 2, it says "Cannot Load Firmware List." The only options it gives me is to Restore Factory Defaults. Which I did but it didn't help. Any ideas?
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Flight distance : 8903051 ft
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United States

How come it's already installed it says? I didn't even install it yet.
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Flight distance : 14908 ft


The Remote Controller of my PHANTOM 4 has the DJI GO 4 App Android: v4.1.18. Is that OK?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

marpir Posted at 2018-1-24 08:38
The Remote Controller of my PHANTOM 4 has the DJI GO 4 App Android: v4.1.18. Is that OK?

I would update to the latest 4.1.22. There was a known problem with V4.1.18 NOT reporting that the RC needed upgrading to V1.9.3 (assuming that your RC is at an earlier version) and was not updating the RC which needs to be done in conjunction with the aircraft update.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

fans94ca618a Posted at 2018-1-23 22:08
My remote and aircraft lost signal after update firmware, the light keep blinking red and yellow but the light on remote control and light near memory stick is both are green, can anyway please help ?

Try moving your aircraft to a different location, metal legs on desks, screws etc, can cause compass malfunctions. Once calibrated it should only need doing again when advised by the system, or perhaps investigating some erratic flight behaviour.
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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

If this update does not work for us, can we downgrade to a working version of the firmware?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4058619 ft
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United States

Is this update for all Phantom 4s, including the Pro?
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CineView Media
Second Officer
Flight distance : 5365522 ft
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Whos gonna be the first maniac to install it, any thrillseekers in tha house?
Sorry, cant help it, its no coincidence i havent updated mine for a year, i simpy dont have the guts to take the risk
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Vincent D
Flight distance : 622841 ft
United States

Do the batteries need to be upgraded as well?
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Flight distance : 78930 ft
United States

CineView Media Posted at 2018-1-24 10:13
Whos gonna be the first maniac to install it, any thrillseekers in tha house?
Sorry, cant help it, its no coincidence i havent updated mine for a year, i simpy dont have the guts to take the risk

Im with you, when I get mine back from DJI and its working I will not do another firmware update every time I've done a firmware update I've had nothing but problems.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
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Vincent D Posted at 2018-1-24 11:41
Do the batteries need to be upgraded as well?

Depends on what firmware you're on now. Going from beta v...600 to the prod v...700 the batteries didn't need to be updated.
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United States

I was using my iPad Air 2 with my P4 for quite some time today and now all of a sudden after the update, my P4 remote will not connect to the DJI Go 4 app. It just constantly says disconnected. I even went as far as restoring the drone, the remote, and the iPad back to factory settings, installed all of the latest updates and its still not working. I have tried multiple cords, but no luck. It works perfectly fine with my iPhone 7 and my wife's iPad Air 2. There seems to be a bit of prejudice going on between my P4 remote and my iPad. I also keep getting a pop up notice on just my ipad while in the DJI app that says "App Not Installed. The accessory "C1" uses an app you do not have installed. Would you like to get it from the App Store?" and then my options are to go to the App Store or Ignore. I click to go to the App Store and nothing happens except it makes the pop up message go away. This thing is making me want to rip my hair out. PLEASE HELP!!!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
  • >>>

STORMIN MORMON Posted at 2018-1-24 19:42
I was using my iPad Air 2 with my P4 for quite some time today and now all of a sudden after the update, my P4 remote will not connect to the DJI Go 4 app. It just constantly says disconnected. I even went as far as restoring the drone, the remote, and the iPad back to factory settings, installed all of the latest updates and its still not working. I have tried multiple cords, but no luck. It works perfectly fine with my iPhone 7 and my wife's iPad Air 2. There seems to be a bit of prejudice going on between my P4 remote and my iPad. I also keep getting a pop up notice on just my ipad while in the DJI app that says "App Not Installed. The accessory "C1" uses an app you do not have installed. Would you like to get it from the App Store?" and then my options are to go to the App Store or Ignore. I click to go to the App Store and nothing happens except it makes the pop up message go away. This thing is making me want to rip my hair out. PLEASE HELP!!!

Was your iPad updated to iOS 11.2.5? There are known issues with GO running in that.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Aint the DJI Go 4 app on 4.2.4 now? oh wait, the above mean best minimum version is assume?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2779203 ft
  • >>>

Vincent D Posted at 2018-1-24 11:41
Do the batteries need to be upgraded as well?

Always recommend to charged full battery before doing the firmware update.
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

Well I did the update late last night and flew 3 test flights today all seemed well with the exception of loss of signal. It happened basically in the same place about a half a mile away so for the moment I’m going to chalk it up to extreme RF Interference in that certain area at the moment. The RTH kicked in and I gained connection after about 15 seconds of it flying back home and was able to take back over the flight. But in that loss of signal I lost both the video signal and the aircraft control signal both dropped to zero absolutely no signal but like I said after about 15 seconds of flying back in RTH I regained control and kept flying so I flew the opposite direction of my house and probably came close to a mile out and didn’t want to press my luck any further and brought it back above my house and flew the neighborhood till a 30% battery warning and went  and drought it in. The only thing I have to blame the complete loss of signal is the area it was above which had stores, ,banks, and gas stations all with wi-Fi burglar alarms and large transformers so for right now like I said I’m going to blame that incident on the area. Where it was at. oh and I was only at 200 feet not 400 feet which also probably played a factor. Going to try and take it to wide open farm land tomorrow and go for some distance tests and test some flight modes to. But for now I’m happy I’m back in the air instead of filming the house walls wallpaper for nearly 8 months.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

It says Phantom 4, is this just the standard 4 or all of the series?
I ask because i have the Phantom 4 Pro and i do not see the FW update in either the app or the Assistant.....
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Flight distance : 593356 ft

Mavic owner and added P4P today, so reading this thread I was a little nervous to say the least.  Just wanted to add my experience to share with you fellas.

Updated remote, batteries, and P4P to this latest firmware version - updated first time no problems.  

Just back from first flights, did 4 batteries, majority of flight in normal with a little sport mode to see how she rips (and she does!).  Took her out to max dist 400m and max alt 120m no probs.  

Did experience a few "oddities" which may well be my ignorance of the P4P and in comparison to the Mavic Pro, so I'll share that in another thread.

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Flight distance : 593356 ft

Just a thought  - is video lag/video going green moentarily normal for P4P and lightbride (have mavic with ocusync and never experienced this), or is this possible symptom of the P4P firmware?
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Vincent D
Flight distance : 622841 ft
United States

Nelsonlee Posted at 2018-1-24 21:23
Always recommend to charged full battery before doing the firmware update.

Thanks but my question was do the batteries need to be updated as well as the AC and RC.
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United States

Punchbuggy Posted at 2018-1-24 19:57
Was your iPad updated to iOS 11.2.5? There are known issues with GO running in that.

Ok well thats good to know that i'm not the only person having this issue. I'm sure DJI will release an update to fix it then. My sanity thanks you for your help in saving it.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
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United States

STORMIN MORMON Posted at 2018-1-25 12:54
Ok well thats good to know that i'm not the only person having this issue. I'm sure DJI will release an update to fix it then. My sanity thanks you for your help in saving it.

Yeah, I get'cha. The clue was that you all had iOS/iPad, but it was just yours which wouldn't work. See here:

That said, I'd updated my iPhone 7 to this iOS level and GO worked fine for me with my P4. Hmm... is the HDMI reference the reason, I wonder?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
  • >>>
United States

Bashy Posted at 2018-1-25 00:38
It says Phantom 4, is this just the standard 4 or all of the series?
I ask because i have the Phantom 4 Pro and i do not see the FW update in either the app or the Assistant.....

Bashy, this firmware is for the P4 (standard) only. And going from beta v...600 to this there is no change in battery firmware, so no need to update with every battery unless going up from the last prod firmware (umm, v...106?). So - I'm pleased to say - the battery firmware is still at the same level with the P4P firmware, and therefore batteries are currently still swap-able between the models. Yay!

Each model of Phantom has its own firmware due to the different components (mainly differences in camera and sensors). There is a beta for the P4P out currently (v..301) which fixes the inverted video straight down issue, but otherwise the prod version for it is still v...300 released last Christmas.
Use props
Flight distance : 892339 ft

Well, today i fly with 3 batteries and everything was fine, so i think good job at last
thanks dji.
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

Ok on my 6th test fight and have not  been getting the extreme interference warning on the screen but still getting bad video freeze green bars and lost signal. I click where it tells you it is safe to fly and green well in that drop down window it shows radio signal is poor and it stays at poor for long periods of time only flicking to good for a couple of seconds then back to a long stay on poor.  Either the RC Is now more sensitive to Interference or signal strength isn’t as strong as it was when first bought.. something is going on and the update was done with absolutely no problems and hang ups or errors. I just want my drone to operate as it did when it came out of the box. To many updates for no real reasons, the saying is “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.  I wish they would just rewrite the P4 code from scratch instead of moduley trying to fix bits and bytes of bad code in the P4. Just a well rewritten clean program from scratch. I bet a whole lot of time and money and frustration would be saved if this was done.

This is my versions as of right now
Aircraft Firmware: v02.00.0700
Remote Controller Firmware: v1.9.3.0
DJI GO 4 App iOS: v4.2.4
iPad Air 2   V 11.2.5
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  • >>>

Normn8or Posted at 2018-1-25 14:54
Ok on my 6th test fight and have not  been getting the extreme interference warning on the screen but still getting bad video freeze green bars and lost signal. I click where it tells you it is safe to fly and green well in that drop down window it shows radio signal is poor and it stays at poor for long periods of time only flicking to good for a couple of seconds then back to a long stay on poor.  Either the RC Is now more sensitive to Interference or signal strength isn’t as strong as it was when first bought.. something is going on and the update was done with absolutely no problems and hang ups or errors. I just want my drone to operate as it did when it came out of the box. To many updates for no real reasons, the saying is “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.  I wish they would just rewrite the P4 code from scratch instead of moduley trying to fix bits and bytes of bad code in the P4. Just a well rewritten clean program from scratch. I bet a whole lot of time and money and frustration would be saved if this was done.

This is my versions as of right now

Iam also getting strong interference, Connected CS and IPad and still getting this warning. Emmm real pain in the butt
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fans1f690efe Posted at 2018-1-25 15:41
Iam also getting strong interference, Connected CS and IPad and still getting this warning. Emmm real pain in the butt

I am using Ipad mini 2 with my 5 month old used P4, firmware 01.02.0602 rc 1.8.0 and flies perfect. If i update i think i am up for a new device, so later..
Use props
Flight distance : 1866798 ft
  • >>>

Hey Dji please contact me at  i talked to one of your very good support staff today on the phone  ,  he said talk to you guys if his plan didnt work   plus long distance from Saskatchewan Canada  to California    thanks
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DJI Susan

Punchbuggy Posted at 2018-1-24 00:29
Odd - I managed to update to this version fine, reset to factory default, and tried to refresh (I've been finding that success rate in update is greater when I update twice). But tried 5 times since, with each time failing - the firmware downloads and after sitting on "transmitting..." for about 10 secs I get an error with an option to upload the logs. I'm lost as to why it worked once, then just refuses thereafter.

Edit: The Assistant 2 log says that the update failed due to a "file error 224". Any ideas?

Punchbuggy, may I know what's the current status? Have you tried to repeat the refresh progress?
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