Flight distance : 237238 ft
United States
Serc. Posted at 2018-1-25 06:36
Everyone here says the Pro is better, but WHY is it better? 7 mins more flight time doesnt make it overall better.
Please make some pros and cons.
Im owning the mavic pro and i want to sell mine for the Air aswell.
So my first drone was the spark. I really liked that little drone, but quickly ran into issues that had me looking at the MP. During a holiday sale I picked up a MP (actually got it cheaper than the Mavic Air is now) and have been loving it. When the Air was announced I was initially super bummed as it felt like a better drone than my newly purchased MP. After the dust settled however, the two biggest issues for me where the battery life and the quality of signal. These are the two areas that the Mavic Air falls short imho.
1. Video Transmission:
Choosing to use wifi over occusync is a huge downgrade as you will absolutely run into issues with the video transmission. Even though you will likely not be hitting the max distance on any drone (due to local laws) the video transmission on the MP is stellar and does not get a lot of interference from wifi or bluetooth. When I was flying my spark, I always had to turn all radios on my phone off (except wifi) or else the video would be complete garbage. Since flying the MP I cannot imagine going back to a wifi based drone. Also a second minor point, the MP has a awesome little switch that lets you toggle RC/wifi control mode. Spark (and likely Mavic Air) required a weird and confusing button push combination to switch between modes.
2. Battery life:
This cannot be understated. While the Mavic air has a stated 21 minutes of flight, you can bet you are really only going to get around 18, if that. The higher the ceiling the better. Being able to put the MP up for nearly 20 minutes of solid shooting has been amazing. I don't feel rushed to get the camera settings just right, and I always feel like I have a little extra battery to goof around and try some of the other modes.
Other notes:
It would not surprise me if the spark and MP get a bump in their OA (obstacle Avoidance) capabilities. OA is primarily software based on the input from the sensors available. Aside from the two sensors in the back, the MP has the same forward/downward facing sensors. So in theory it should be able to benefit from the research that went into the APAS system of the Mavic Air. Who knows if DJI will do that, but it is a possiblity
these are just my random thoughts from someone who also just bought a MP, take it for what it is worth |