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The latest firmware works (02.00.0700)
3759 19 2018-1-25
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Flight distance : 124619 ft

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 392024 ft

I have done various tests, even in sports mode. The new FW works. So far no bugs found. ... 2_7BCFA8CD.MP4?dl=0
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Flight distance : 124619 ft

Satstream Posted at 2018-1-25 07:08
I have done various tests, even in sports mode. The new FW works. So far no bugs found.

good to hear that my friend
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Flight distance : 124619 ft

Hi guys, have some of you have tried the new version outdoors ? please share you experience.
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Flight distance : 685374 ft
United States

skyking83 Posted at 2018-1-25 10:40
Hi guys, have some of you have tried the new version outdoors ? please share you experience.

Just tested with 3 batteries. Got high wind warning but it was cloudy and had a breeze. No issues. Had no interference from power lines at 100 feet above. Hovering was steady even with light wind. RTH worked every time. Video work at 4K, 2k and 1080 without a problem.calabrated the gimbal. The herizon was level.  Crystal Sky work well with my P4. Will fly again after my batteries are charged.
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Flight distance : 124619 ft

guardcim23 Posted at 2018-1-25 12:25
Just tested with 3 batteries. Got high wind warning but it was cloudy and had a breeze. No issues. Had no interference from power lines at 100 feet above. Hovering was steady even with light wind. RTH worked every time. Video work at 4K, 2k and 1080 without a problem.calabrated the gimbal. The herizon was level.  Crystal Sky work well with my P4. Will fly again after my batteries are charged.

cool hope finally DJI got this right this time.
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Flight distance : 109915 ft
United States

Did your update progress stayed at 87% (signal controller) for several minutes? im updating my P4 right now and it hasn't moved form 87% in a long while now.
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

So how many threads are going to be made to chase around. Thread # 1 from the DJI team.
Thread # 2
thread # 3
Thread # 4

Copied over from three other threads about new firmware .700
Ok on my 6th test fight and have not  been getting the extreme interference warning on the screen but still getting bad video freeze green bars and lost signal. I click where it tells you it is safe to fly and green well in that drop down window it shows radio signal is poor and it stays at poor for long periods of time only flicking to good for a couple of seconds then back to a long stay on poor.  Either the RC Is now more sensitive to Interference or signal strength isn’t as strong as it was when first bought.. something is going on and the update was done with absolutely no problems and hang ups or errors. I just want my drone to operate as it did when it came out of the box. To many updates for no real reasons, the saying is “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.  I wish they would just rewrite the P4 code from scratch instead of moduley trying to fix bits and bytes of bad code in the P4. Just a well rewritten clean program from scratch. I bet a whole lot of time and money and frustration would be saved if this was done.

This is my versions as of right now
Aircraft Firmware: v02.00.0700
Remote Controller Firmware: v1.9.3.0
DJI GO 4 App iOS: v4.2.4
iPad Air 2   V 11.2.5
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Flight distance : 1466611 ft
United States

And my other Update about the update from the other threads copied here

Yeah I seen that just within minutes of  THE DJI TEAM posted it. But I have the P4 Standard and I have no HDMI OUT on my remote. Funny thing is I don’t get any interference warnings at all on the flight screen now but in that drop screen it is next to constantly on poor signal only flickering to good for a couple of seconds. I had hope but I think I’m loosing all confidence in any real fix..  patch upon patch isn’t the way to go.  But hey that’s just the way I feel about it. I am now at 7 test flights since the update at 5 different places with 4 different cords. DJI can’t expect us not to update our IPads so their program will work on them when those updates are to fix vulnerabilities that protect our devices and I updated my IPad before the DJI UPDATE was out.. I mean it just blows my mind that Apple comes out with an update the very same day as DJI comes out with their long awaited  (8 months)  update to fix extreme problems.. like I said I wish they would sit down and just rewrite the P4 program from scratch instead of nickel and diming a fix together.

(EDIT)... I can’t use Android my phone is a s8+ and not on the recommended list and it has a pop up that reads unable to send command after launching Go 4 on it, so I’m not putting my 18 hundred dollars up in the air with it. That is the price tag I paid for that drone on Nov 14th 2016. And it flew flawlessly hitting its 3.1 mile distance as advertised until it got raped by updates.
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DJI Susan

Normn8or Posted at 2018-1-25 22:07
And my other Update about the update from the other threads copied here

Yeah I seen that just within minutes of  THE DJI TEAM posted it. But I have the P4 Standard and I have no HDMI OUT on my remote. Funny thing is I don’t get any interference warnings at all on the flight screen now but in that drop screen it is next to constantly on poor signal only flickering to good for a couple of seconds. I had hope but I think I’m loosing all confidence in any real fix..  patch upon patch isn’t the way to go.  But hey that’s just the way I feel about it. I am now at 7 test flights since the update at 5 different places with 4 different cords. DJI can’t expect us not to update our IPads so their program will work on them when those updates are to fix vulnerabilities that protect our devices and I updated my IPad before the DJI UPDATE was out.. I mean it just blows my mind that Apple comes out with an update the very same day as DJI comes out with their long awaited  (8 months)  update to fix extreme problems.. like I said I wish they would sit down and just rewrite the P4 program from scratch instead of nickel and diming a fix together.

Hey Normn8or, i'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Regarding the compatibility issues between iOS 11.2.5 and DJI GO/DJI GO 4(, our engineers are working on this and will release a fix soon. You can choose to roll back to the previous iOS 11.2.2 if this bothers you.

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DJI Susan

fans6037bb54 Posted at 2018-1-25 19:57
Did your update progress stayed at 87% (signal controller) for several minutes? im updating my P4 right now and it hasn't moved form 87% in a long while now.

May I know do you update the firmware via DJI GO 4 or DJI Assistant 2? Have you tried the other way? If still no luck, please kindly offer the screenshot and export upgrade log for analysis, thanks!

Assisstant 2(Windows) C: /Users/XXXXXX/AppData/Roaming/DJI Assistant 2/upgrade_log
Assisstant 2(MAC): ~/Library/Application Support/DJI Assistant 2/upgrade_log
APP(IOS): Click the DJI logo on the left upper corner more than 10 times, you will see the log and copy it to us
APP(Android): dji/dji.go.v4/log/cache/up_new_all
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Flight distance : 124619 ft

fans6037bb54 Posted at 2018-1-25 19:57
Did your update progress stayed at 87% (signal controller) for several minutes? im updating my P4 right now and it hasn't moved form 87% in a long while now.

no it did it all about in 7 minutes without any problem
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Flight distance : 481939 ft
United States

fans6037bb54 Posted at 2018-1-25 19:57
Did your update progress stayed at 87% (signal controller) for several minutes? im updating my P4 right now and it hasn't moved form 87% in a long while now.

if the aircraft reboots, then the upgrade was successful and the Assistant2 just didn't poll the % in time.
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Flight distance : 124619 ft

Hi guys how is the new firmware working for you please share.
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First Officer
  • >>>
United States

fans6037bb54 Posted at 2018-1-25 19:57
Did your update progress stayed at 87% (signal controller) for several minutes? im updating my P4 right now and it hasn't moved form 87% in a long while now.

Same here except 85%.  Stayed there forever.  I then hooked up my P4 to Asst 2 on the laptop.  Asst 2 says the software is up to date.  Restarted the P4 and it reads 0700 FW.  Updated the remote and it started beeping steadily. Used the combo command of C1-C2-Shutter Button to make it quit beeping.  Restarted the remote and it works okay and has been updated to FW 193.  Never had this much trouble with an update.  Raining here, but will try to fly when the weather improves.
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Flight distance : 353776 ft
United States

I flew yesterday witht the new update. I didn't have any problems until I got around some power lines. I lost video feed at 300ft. I still had control. Other than that no issues.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Loonie01 Posted at 2018-1-29 22:56
I flew yesterday witht the new update. I didn't have any problems until I got around some power lines. I lost video feed at 300ft. I still had control. Other than that no issues.

Hard to tell from a single picture but look like you have the horizon problem, it seem that there is more horizon on the left?
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Flight distance : 124619 ft

KedDK Posted at 2018-1-31 00:37
Hard to tell from a single picture but look like you have the horizon problem, it seem that there is more horizon on the left?

hmmm i think it it very hard to tell
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Sky Bear I
Flight distance : 15614 ft
United States

OK maybe this is a stupid question but what if a person doesn't execute a FW update and everything is running well?  Is somethingeventually going to catch up and cause a problem?  I've heard alot of horror stories about updates which makes me want to stay away.  thanks! ~SB1
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Flight distance : 124619 ft

Sky Bear I Posted at 2018-1-31 14:55
OK maybe this is a stupid question but what if a person doesn't execute a FW update and everything is running well?  Is somethingeventually going to catch up and cause a problem?  I've heard alot of horror stories about updates which makes me want to stay away.  thanks! ~SB1

i think thet at some point it is making you to do the update
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