So, some idiot went and landed a modded Phantom on the PM's office roof.
That is definitely not good. From what the news says DJI is going through the Lightbridge and pulling the data to help try to figure out who did it. I hope they are able to find the person and that the police are able to arrest him or her.
But, the thing that is worrisome is the lawmakers response to this whole situation.
They have, in the past, gone a least a little overboard when slapping regulation on things that they don't understand well. For example, air compressor based nail guns are not allowed in Japan because a lawmaker saw the Lethal Weapon sequence in which one was used in a manner similar to a pistol. (I'll dig up a citation for this if I absolutely must, but I don't feel much like looking it up right now.) So, I am a little concerned about what sorts of restrictions they might place on drones and other UAVs while gripped in the panic that this recent incident has caused.
The news is reporting that DJI is working with the police to uncover the perpetrator, but I hope that DJI is working MORE closely with the lawmakers to make sure that the regulations that will inevitably be put into place are reasonable. NFZs over government buildings, are not that big of a deal. Same with flyovers of large public gatherings. Any moderately responsible operator knows that and would/should be sufficiently nervous about a system failure in that kind of situation to not risk it. Same with the airspace around airports.
Please make sure that DJI is monitoring what the lawmakers are getting ready to propose and get in there to make suggestion and push reasonable changes. Right now there are no laws governing the operation of drones in Japan. As a DJI customer and Inspire 1 operator, I understand the need for some regulations, but I am very concerned about uninformed lawmakers pushing through foolish legislation as a result of FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) rather than an informed decision.
I realize you might not be able to address all of this in a public forum, but do contact me through PMs or my registered email to let me know what you are doing to help make sure that the regulations Japan will (too rapidly) soon impose, will be reasonable.
Thank you!
Update For Those Interested:
The guy, Yamamoto Yasuo (Japanese name order), has turned himself in.
http://www.theguardian.com/world ... -in-nuclear-protest
Says he acted alone and was protesting the nuclear power plants.
No word yet on regulations.