First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft
DJI Susan Posted at 2018-6-20 02:23
Thanks for your kind reminder, these spams have been deleted. The technicians are reviewing and see whether there are better solutions to avoid these. If you have any suggestions, please kindly advise.
I see that none of the above has been taken care of yet, how come?
You really should prioritize this as your customers could be lead to malware infected computers when clicking those link by mistake. 
I was looking on some of the profiles that had spammed this thread, i could see their posts had been erased, thank you for that but it didn't look like the profiles were taken down or banned. My suggestion is that on those profiles you would set the password to something out of the blue, then the spammers only would be able to have it reset if they have used a valid email and in case it continue you would have some information that could be used to prevent further from that source.
Well here's some more to take care of.
Cleaned, cleaned, cleaned, guess what.
In this thread most posts from #13 and on are spam, - Edit: seem to have been cleaned now, thanks. Edit2: #24 is a new spam post
would be a good idea to take a look on the different profiles posts and not just delete the posts in the thread.
In this thread all posts from #26 inclusive is spam, same procedure as above. Edit: #39/40 is legal posted after creation of this post - Edit2: numbers are messed up a lot now!
This profile seem to have a bad habit of advertisement posting, possibly not a big risk for your users but still spam.
Have fun.
Edit: the below post is also spam, the fool just forget to add the spam link.