Flight distance : 1175272 ft
United States
DJI Elektra Posted at 2018-1-26 00:32
Sir, did you fly in an environment with wind? What mode did your drone enter at that time? Please provide a screenshot of the setting and change an environment without wind for further check. BTW, please tell me the firmware of your drone and the version of your app. Thanks for your help.
Nevermind on this issue. I figured it out. The Inspire 2 is very intelligent. It curtails the descent speed if you do not have enough lateral movement. If you try and descend straight down in any multirotor to rapidly you will enter into a vortex ring state( descending into turbulent disturbed air which results in a loss of lift). While the Inspire and most newer quads have cantered motors that minimize this effect, it can still happen. When I did a test moving forward and descending the thing flew down like a bat out of hell. It was awesome! |