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First set of errors after 50 successful flights...
1022 7 2018-1-29
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Flight distance : 968002 ft
United States


So today’s flight marks the 50th flight of little Sparky. Now this is a location that I flew 26 times and never encountered any problems or errors. In fact I even went for a short flight this morning and everything was perfect.

So I decided to go out and fly again at the same spot I did this morning. Nothing unusual during takeoff, I waited for gps to lock had about 12+more satellites, let it hover for a good 30seconds and manually updated the home point. Everything was good (sensors, gps, compass) and I started to climb and just fly around myself in circles yea...

Flight was going great and when I was nearing the low battery warning I decided to test out the RTH to see if it was working as it should. I never had problems before with RTH in the past and it worked flawlessly. When I pressed RTH it started beeping and gave the me go home print on the screen and I was watching Sparky fly towards me.

Now this is when I got the error messages. I got a no gps error and then it went into ATTI mode. Now I didnt panic when it went to ATTI mode because I know how to fly and so I used full stick movements and started bringing Sparky towards me to land.

As I was manually controlling it I think this is when it went back into GPS mode as I was bringing it back to me. So the error message and ATTI mode lasted about 2-5 seconds.

I successfully landed Sparky and went home and got the logs. When I saw he log data I was surprised to see a YAW error. Now I have never had this before and this was a surprise to me because I did not get a YAW error message while I was flying when I got the other errors.

So right now I have no idea what just happened or why it happened. I would greatly appreciate feedback on this. If I did something wrong please do tell me

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First Officer
Flight distance : 648399 ft

it may be due to the Sport mode..lately, i tend to associate these errors with flying in Sport mode. let's see what other experienced user may come up with.
congratulations for not panicking and flying it safely to home!
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Flight distance : 968002 ft
United States

It could be but I’ve been flying in sport mode ever since I got Sparky and never had any problems so I’m not sure either.
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Flight distance : 489193 ft
United States

we've seen recently the wrapup on a flyaway case where it was determined an aging battery which had not been fully discharged for recalibration turned out to be the leading suspect. at your count of flights, perhaps a voltage dip due to a "mature" un-recalibrated battery contributed? check out the later portions of this thread:
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Flight distance : 968002 ft
United States

I have a total of 3 batteries. 2 of them came with the Spark when I got the fly more combo a 3 days before New Year’s. The third battery I purchased from Best Buy exactly a week ago. All of my batteries are up to date regarding their updates. I also labeled all my batteries with a number so that I would be using them equally. The battery I used today was the one I bought a week ago which is brand new. I don’t think the same situation applies to my case but I could be wrong.
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

SpeedyBirdy Posted at 2018-1-29 16:13
I have a total of 3 batteries. 2 of them came with the Spark when I got the fly more combo a 3 days before New Year’s. The third battery I purchased from Best Buy exactly a week ago. All of my batteries are up to date regarding their updates. I also labeled all my batteries with a number so that I would be using them equally. The battery I used today was the one I bought a week ago which is brand new. I don’t think the same situation applies to my case but I could be wrong.

Sir, I would recommend you fly in a place without interference. If you check that there is no interference around your spark, please export the flight data and the black box for analysis. You can upload it to dropbox and post the link here.

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Flight distance : 968002 ft
United States

Ok. I will be uploading the flight log shortly and I’ll post the link when I’m done.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 422149 ft
United States

Solestacz Posted at 2018-1-29 14:59
we've seen recently the wrapup on a flyaway case where it was determined an aging battery which had not been fully discharged for recalibration turned out to be the leading suspect. at your count of flights, perhaps a voltage dip due to a "mature" un-recalibrated battery contributed? check out the later portions of this thread:

This is not correct, the aging battery was not determined to be the fault by dji in the listed post,  just speculated by a few users - the drone was found with no battery (more likely the battery came loose mid flight), then repaired under warranty.

in no place in the manual, any post or any statement does DJI recommend ‘recalibrating the batteries’ by discharging then recharging - the only official statement by dji is to charge your battery at least once every 3 months when not in use and store in a dry place.

I was curious myself after seeing the thread about the failure so I reread the manual and started the above thread about ‘battery calibration ‘ - I want to maintain my batteries properly to dji specs - but I couldn’t find anything about calibration other than 3rd parties and other users - if someone has something official by dji stating to calibrate and to what the proper procedure is, please post a link - thanks
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