good night guys, I bought a P4P a week ... and after many problems with loss of video signal and radio signal ... I did a downgrad for previous update ... more yesterday in a Flight of about 500 Meters ... I activated the RTH for the control and I was without video signal ... until the drone made the landing ... just returned ... someone else with this problem?
Any solution ?
Japones, just to verify, where did you fly in? Theoretically, the drone will first calculate the shortest route and RTH straightly (when OA doesn't engage). If there is interference or obstacles around, or transmission or RC signal loss, then you will be not able to have the transmission on the app. For your case, I suggest first update the firmware to the latest version, both RC and AC. Then fly the drone in an open wide area, you can check the HD settings to see if there is much noise around and choose a channel with good transmission quality. Check the antennas position of the remote controller. Distance should be greater than height during flight, and please make sure the remote controller’s antennas are positioned parallel to and are pointed towards the aircraft, you can refer to the tutorial below. Besides, use a mobile device with a strong performance.