Since people are starting to get shipping confirmations Im curious if they have notified anyone that had ordered the bundle with extra battery if their P3 has shipped yet?
Don't hold your breath. Customer Service chat told me mid-May for the extra battery package. I believe they said it was for the "packaging" whatever that means.
If that is the case, I wish they'd ship them separately when ready. Or, just throw it in the Phantom box, I'd take my chances!
Very odd, this. You order an upgraded (i.e., more expensive) package and end up having to wait longer. Oh well, ain't nothing any of us can do about this except wait.
I agree that they could ship the extra battery later rather than holding up delivery of the P3.
I emailed them and am asking if they just cant ship my phantom to me when its time, and then ship me the battery when it does arrive and Ill pay extra for shipping. I ordered the package before I realized they had 2 different shipping dates, then I changed my order to the Pro model with battery but should have just changed it to the pro model. They even let me keep my que in line.
Funny, when I asked if I could "downgrade" to the non-extra battery Pro model they suggested I keep the order as-is so that I wouldn't lose my place in line...
But yeah, I'd also be happy to pay the extra shipping at this point to get the bird now and the battery later...
1 bat. Delivery Late April
2 bat. Delivery Mid May, that goes for both the unit and the extra battery
Pretty obvious, it really stated that when you ordered..
There's a decent chance the reason for the delay is a shipping logistical one. Often air carriers have strict limits on volumes of LiPo batteries being shipped. Odds are the ones with the extra batteries are already on an oceanliner on the way to a California port. The single battery models probably have little enough volume so they can be shipped air freight - for instance, my preorder is being shown as shipped FedEx direct from China - due to arrive Wed. (on the East coast)