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5.8Ghz can’t be find
364280 364280 2018-2-2
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Flight distance : 10696686 ft
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Hong Kong

I just start up my Mavic Air for first time and found there is no selection of WIFI band like Spark.  My Air start up with only 2.4Ghz 10 channels, so I read other post there is channel above 11 or 13 those are in 5.8Ghz band.  But my channel at the bottom only show up to 10.  Does everyone also experience this?

My DJI Go 4 is IOS version 4.2.4 and the firmware just update last night to the latest.
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DJI Susan

Hi there, could you post the screenshots of Wi-Fi Settings and the complete Channel Index? We'd like to check the current status. Thanks!
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-2-2 22:51
Hi there, could you post the screenshots of Wi-Fi Settings and the complete Channel Index? We'd like to check the current status. Thanks!

My findings in post 47# here might help:
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Hi have the same problem, no 5.8ghz chancel, only got 1-13. Tried connecting with a diffrent device, same out come. Checked by directly connecting to the taircrafts wifi. same, only 2.4ghz available. Pulling my hair out, because theres a lot of interference around here on the 2.4 band. My spark, which works on 5.8 band, range is about 3 times that of the air which is not right. I have logged it with the shop I purchased it from, and may get in contact with DJI support.  To clarify, I live in Thailand, but 5.8 should be available as it is on the spark
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United States

Check out my video it may help
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United States

fans27468af5 Posted at 2018-2-4 16:27
Check out my video it may help

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Flight distance : 10696686 ft
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Hong Kong

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-2-2 22:51
Hi there, could you post the screenshots of Wi-Fi Settings and the complete Channel Index? We'd like to check the current status. Thanks!

Hey Susan

Please the above that’s after I press OK in change to correct region setting box.  Then 5.8Ghz pop back up but 2.4Ghz band is up to 11 only, so is it in FCC standard?  But I am in Hong Kong which suppose to be CE right?
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You are on the FCC standard. I live in thailand. There is the an issue with the firmware, no 5.8 channels available here, the spark has them, so the range of spark is about 3 times more than the Air in areas where there is a lot of wifi.
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Flight distance : 10696686 ft
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Hong Kong

thatmrkeithy Posted at 2018-2-5 07:47
You are on the FCC standard. I live in thailand. There is the an issue with the firmware, no 5.8 channels available here, the spark has them, so the range of spark is about 3 times more than the Air in areas where there is a lot of wifi.

I live in Hong Kong which should be CE standard like my spark is.  But after I press OK in the regional correction pop up.  It change to the screen show above, and the 5.8Ghz come back.  
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DJI Susan

The Mavic Air follows the local wireless transmitting regulations. No worries.
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DJI Susan

fansd7d01d13 Posted at 2018-2-4 03:48
Hi have the same problem, no 5.8ghz chancel, only got 1-13. Tried connecting with a diffrent device, same out come. Checked by directly connecting to the taircrafts wifi. same, only 2.4ghz available. Pulling my hair out, because theres a lot of interference around here on the 2.4 band. My spark, which works on 5.8 band, range is about 3 times that of the air which is not right. I have logged it with the shop I purchased it from, and may get in contact with DJI support.  To clarify, I live in Thailand, but 5.8 should be available as it is on the spark

Sir, may I know which mobile device do you use? Have you tapped the Custom to choose the channels? If no luck, please kindly upload a short video for double check, thanks in advance!
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DJI Susan

Wachtberger Posted at 2018-2-3 02:49
My findings in post 47# here might help:

Thanks for sharing! We are collecting the info and will forward to the engineers for review.
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Flight distance : 123960 ft

I am in Singapore and I can confirm that selecting 5.8ghz is possible in my MA thru the custom setting. However when MA is restarted it reverts to 2.4ghz

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DJI Susan Posted at 2018-2-7 03:17
Sir, may I know which mobile device do you use? Have you tapped the Custom to choose the channels? If no luck, please kindly upload a short video for double check, thanks in advance!

Hi Susan

I using an iPhone 8 Plus and an Ipad Mini 4. Can not do a video at the mo, but its quite simple on the spark i have channels 1 to 13 and then 149, 153, 157, 161, & 165. On the air, I only have channels 1 - 13. In both auto and custom mode. The 5.8 ghz channels are not available.  I have spoken to several Mavic Air owners here on the forums, several in various DJI facebook groups in Thailand , the reseller and another shop. All the Mavic Air's are the same, only have channels 1-13.  I have uploaded screen shots I took to show this.

First one is spark, showing the 5.8 channels

This is the Mavic Air, no channels after 13, even when you try and scroll to the right

Before i realised this was effecting all MAs in Thailand, i did reinstall firmware on both controller and drone. As it stands my Spark out performs the MA in signal strength and range in every way, which is not right.
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Flight distance : 10696686 ft
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Hong Kong

thatmrkeithy Posted at 2018-2-7 07:27
Hi Susan

I using an iPhone 8 Plus and an Ipad Mini 4. Can not do a video at the mo, but its quite simple on the spark i have channels 1 to 13 and then 149, 153, 157, 161, & 165. On the air, I only have channels 1 - 13. In both auto and custom mode. The 5.8 ghz channels are not available.  I have spoken to several Mavic Air owners here on the forums, several in various DJI facebook groups in Thailand , the reseller and another shop. All the Mavic Air's are the same, only have channels 1-13.  I have uploaded screen shots I took to show this.

You are in CE regulation with 2.4GHz only.  Do you ever saw the regional correction box pop up?  If it does then after you press OK should be back with dual band after WIFI restart.  Otherwise might be some internal error cause it not detect the correct region regulation.
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johan milani
Flight distance : 7046667 ft
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same problem in CE version i receveid today , nothing except 2.4 GHZ... like always we make cobaye for DJI for debugging software !!! its so great !!
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MAVICDLNM Posted at 2018-2-7 07:42
You are in CE regulation with 2.4GHz only.  Do you ever saw the regional correction box pop up?  If it does then after you press OK should be back with dual band after WIFI restart.  Otherwise might be some internal error cause it not detect the correct region regulation.

No MA has never asked for correction of regional wifi settings. Its the same for every MA here in Thailand, spoke to quite few people of the past few days, they are all the same. Thailand allows 5.8,  checked this with people who we register drones with. The spark works fine and has both bands. I took it to the UK at Xmas and it reset the setting there and set them back when i came back home.  So i think its bug in the firmware, would be nice if DJI can accept this and tell us they will fix in the next firmware release, its all i am looking for, but cant get a responce out of there support, told me 3 to 5 days for any kind of responce, the reseller has logged calls we the same results. Its bit frustrating as i have nice expensive product with a third of the range of the spark. All i am looking for is a little reassurance that this will be fixed. Yet they don't seem to understand the simple thing, there no 5.8ghz band available on the Mavic air in Thailand period. You can not select them in custom mode and auto clearly wont pick them. Thats the problem right there, now DJI over to you, please call all the resellers here, they will tell you same thing as i have, i know this cas i have spoken to most of them.  All MAs here are the same, clearly its a issue, please fix it.
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Flight distance : 10696686 ft
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Hong Kong

thatmrkeithy Posted at 2018-2-7 09:29
No MA has never asked for correction of regional wifi settings. Its the same for every MA here in Thailand, spoke to quite few people of the past few days, they are all the same. Thailand allows 5.8,  checked this with people who we register drones with. The spark works fine and has both bands. I took it to the UK at Xmas and it reset the setting there and set them back when i came back home.  So i think its bug in the firmware, would be nice if DJI can accept this and tell us they will fix in the next firmware release, its all i am looking for, but cant get a responce out of there support, told me 3 to 5 days for any kind of responce, the reseller has logged calls we the same results. Its bit frustrating as i have nice expensive product with a third of the range of the spark. All i am looking for is a little reassurance that this will be fixed. Yet they don't seem to understand the simple thing, there no 5.8ghz band available on the Mavic air in Thailand period. You can not select them in custom mode and auto clearly wont pick them. Thats the problem right there, now DJI over to you, please call all the resellers here, they will tell you same thing as i have, i know this cas i have spoken to most of them.  All MAs here are the same, clearly its a issue, please fix it.

thatmrketihy,  I get what you mean and do believe this is a bug might related to Air GPS.  As my Air start up with 2.4Ghz band only but the only different is the GPS did locate my drone correctly with a pop up box of regional location correction.  So after press OK dual bands came back.
The only problem you face now is Chinese New Year already at the corner most companies will be close for two weeks from this weekend.  So you don’t expect any fix come until end of Feb.
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MAVICDLNM Posted at 2018-2-7 18:34
thatmrketihy,  I get what you mean and do believe this is a bug might related to Air GPS.  As my Air start up with 2.4Ghz band only but the only different is the GPS did locate my drone correctly with a pop up box of regional location correction.  So after press OK dual bands came back.
The only problem you face now is Chinese New Year already at the corner most companies will be close for two weeks from this weekend.  So you don’t expect any fix come until end of Feb.

Hi Mavicdlnm, thanks for the reply. Its just frustrating, i can wait for the fix, i understand its a new product and there will be issues, just want them to acknowledge its a bug and fix is on its way.
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DJI Susan

cyborg Posted at 2018-2-7 04:30
I am in Singapore and I can confirm that selecting 5.8ghz is possible in my MA thru the custom setting. However when MA is restarted it reverts to 2.4ghz


What's the Channel Control Mode under WiFi Settings? Please change to Custom to see whether it helps.
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DJI Susan

thatmrkeithy Posted at 2018-2-7 07:27
Hi Susan

I using an iPhone 8 Plus and an Ipad Mini 4. Can not do a video at the mo, but its quite simple on the spark i have channels 1 to 13 and then 149, 153, 157, 161, & 165. On the air, I only have channels 1 - 13. In both auto and custom mode. The 5.8 ghz channels are not available.  I have spoken to several Mavic Air owners here on the forums, several in various DJI facebook groups in Thailand , the reseller and another shop. All the Mavic Air's are the same, only have channels 1-13.  I have uploaded screen shots I took to show this.

As far as I know, there is a new regulation in your country. I'll double check with the team and come back later.
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DJI Susan Posted at 2018-2-8 03:28
As far as I know, there is a new regulation in your country. I'll double check with the team and come back later.

If there is a regulation change, dose that mean the spark will be blocked too, I have not heard of any change here nor can i find anything on a change.
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DJI Susan

thatmrkeithy Posted at 2018-2-8 21:20
If there is a regulation change, dose that mean the spark will be blocked too, I have not heard of any change here nor can i find anything on a change.

I just got an update from the designated team that the local regulation changes frequently, Mavic Air does not support 5.8G in your country at this moment. According to the latest changes in Jan, our engineers will adjust and release firmware to support 5.8GHz in the later version. Sorry for the confusion.
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Flight distance : 571 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-2-8 22:33
I just got an update from the designated team that the local regulation changes frequently, Mavic Air does not support 5.8G in your country at this moment. According to the latest changes in Jan, our engineers will adjust and release firmware to support 5.8GHz in the later version. Sorry for the confusion.

Hi DJI Susan,

5.8Ghz can be use in Thailand as ref. below. But i'm not sure this can be use with MA. ... B8%99%E0%B8%81.aspx
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Hi, DJI Susan. This may deviate from the topic, but can I ask this questions to settle some issues Mavic Air users in the Philippines are asking about.

Is CE selection set based on gps location? Thus, if you are in Europe you are automatically limted to CE.

Similar to geo-fencing, does DJI define the areas where CE or FCC applies?

Is Asia (Philippines in particular) a FCC or CE area?

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide to settle our isdies here.
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Try using fake GPS app.
Set the location to anywhere in the US, then open the DJI app.

The location pop-up will appear. Click OK to update location, you will then be able to select the 5.8 channels.

Don't forget to disable the fake GPS before restarting the DJI app and flying.

The location pop-up will appear again, simply click ignore.

I hope this helps
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DJI Susan

fansbbf7b085 Posted at 2018-2-11 20:15
Hi DJI Susan,

5.8Ghz can be use in Thailand as ref. below. But i'm not sure this can be use with MA.

Mavic Air does not support 5.8G in Thailand now. As I mentioned in 23#, we will adjust according to the latest regulations and add it via the firmware upgrade.
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DJI Susan

fans9d9d29d3 Posted at 2018-2-12 06:31
Hi, DJI Susan. This may deviate from the topic, but can I ask this questions to settle some issues Mavic Air users in the Philippines are asking about.

Is CE selection set based on gps location? Thus, if you are in Europe you are automatically limted to CE.

As far as I know, Philippines takes CE in 2.4G and FCC in 5.8G for reference. The drone will adjust according to the location.
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I got My MA last week. no 5.8 and flight range - 200m.
I'm from Israel and there's no problem flying with my Phontom 4 and Mavic.
Very upsetting.
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Hello greetings...  MAVIC AIR

I try by all means to connect my new mavic air drone via wifi, and unfortunately it does not work after following all the steps of the manual and all the tutorials of DJI and other people does not work, but I found in the forums that many people have this problem but they do not say how to solve it, I bought it in Miami and I live in Panama. What should I do ... the drone has never been flown and only has 3 days of purchase-
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Changed to custom, the channel index is 13 top (rightmost value).
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Flight distance : 10696686 ft
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Hong Kong

fansdef19292 Posted at 2018-3-3 10:51
Hello greetings...  MAVIC AIR

I try by all means to connect my new mavic air drone via wifi, and unfortunately it does not work after following all the steps of the manual and all the tutorials of DJI and other people does not work, but I found in the forums that many people have this problem but they do not say how to solve it, I bought it in Miami and I live in Panama. What should I do ... the drone has never been flown and only has 3 days of purchase-

What is your problem actually?  You try to connect the RC to Air or your phone directly to Air.  The Mavic Air should be shipped which already well pair from RC to Air.  All you need to do is just plug in your phone to the RC and connect the USB came with then is all set.  Unless you mistakenly try to pair your phone with Mavic Air then you will end up clear out the pair relationship of RC with Air.  
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Flight distance : 676 ft

fans655ac354 Posted at 2018-2-20 18:59
Try using fake GPS app.
Set the location to anywhere in the US, then open the DJI app.

Using fake GPS app actually works. I tried and the missing channels showed up. Soon I'm going to test it out in the field, how would it work after using the real GPS signal while canceling the region switch message.
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Flight distance : 41470 ft
Hong Kong

MAVICDLNM Posted at 2018-2-5 09:18
I live in Hong Kong which should be CE standard like my spark is.  But after I press OK in the regional correction pop up.  It change to the screen show above, and the 5.8Ghz come back.

Same problem here also in Hong Kong.
But I can't see the regional correction pop up, how can I get it????
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Flight distance : 277946 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-2-7 03:12
The Mavic Air follows the local wireless transmitting regulations. No worries.

Dear DJI Susan, I from Brazil and I have same problems with the Mavic Air. My Mavic don´t be able to 5,8 GHZ transmission. Please, HELP ME!!!!!!
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DJI Susan

Elrico Posted at 2018-4-22 23:21
Dear DJI Susan, I from Brazil and I have same problems with the Mavic Air. My Mavic don´t be able to 5,8 GHZ transmission. Please, HELP ME!!!!!!

Which mobile device do you use? Is there any chance change to another Android or IOS device to verify?
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Flight distance : 549180 ft
United Kingdom

Solution for those without access to an Android phone. This fixed my issue. ... amp;fromuid=1653715
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Flight distance : 549180 ft
United Kingdom

Here is the solution that fixed my issue, as an alternative to using an Android phone which I was unable to find. Connect the RC to your PC and use an Android Emulator on the PC and run DJI GO 4 App for Android there. ... amp;fromuid=1653715
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Hey guys i Need some help i tried to Start my drone here in Thailand but i dont have and gps Signal so far i cant Fly at all im Not in an restricted area any help Or Solution For that ?? Than u in advance ( Sry For my Bad english)
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Flight distance : 10696686 ft
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Hong Kong

fansff8c7546 Posted at 2018-5-5 20:48
Hey guys i Need some help i tried to Start my drone here in Thailand but i dont have and gps Signal so far i cant Fly at all im Not in an restricted area any help Or Solution For that ?? Than u in advance ( Sry For my Bad english)

You need to explain further about how you can’t fly!  No GPS, 2.4Ghz can’t switch to 5.8?  or else.
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