Flight distance : 37152 ft
United States
I'm going to post my answer to this, as I've been doing a lot of Part 107 flights in an area completely covered in LAANC enabled Class B airspace.
For the most part, I use the Airmap app to obtain authorization within the LAANC enabled airspace. However, Airmap isn't 100% reliable, so I sometimes use Skyward. There are major benefits to using these apps. Airmap shows the current position of most traffic, and it gives audible alerts if something is flying near me. The only things that I can't see are hospital and police helicopters, and the aircraft from the nearby AFB. Obtaining authorization is very simple within the LAANC parameters, and I'm able to obtain it within a few minutes in most areas. The AFB airspace is more difficult. When I request LAANC authorization from Airmap, I immediately receive an SMS message from the FAA stating I have authorization with all the details. If I listen to ATC on my radio, I will often hear mention of my position to other air traffic. Skyward is similar, but I don't get the text from Skyward usually. Instead, I get a notification within the app, and I can print out the details on a printer.
Now, if I want to get authorization to fly outside LAANC parameters, i.e. fly 400' instead of the automated 100', I have to plan the flight three days ahead of time. In my experience, requesting a flight less than 72 hours in advance results in an SMS from the FAA saying the flight was immediately rejected. More than 72 hours, and I get one SMS saying they are reviewing it and will notify me before 24 hours before the flight, and about 30 minutes later, I receive another SMS saying it's approved. I have had a few rejected, some because they weren't able to process it in the 48 hour period and rejected the flight 24 hours before flight time, and some because of other concerns that I was not aware of at the time I submitted the request. Most of the time, it's not a problem.
Sometimes, though, I get problems with Airmap having what they call "overlapping airspace," and it won't let me request authorization for certain areas even though Airmap says they're clear up to 400'. Skyward rarely has those issues, but I find Skyward not as quick, not as friendly, and it doesn't give me traffic alerts.
Calling ATC is out of the question here. The Class B airspace contains 5 airports, one of which is a large AFB, and another of which is a major international airport. Calling either of those two just upsets them, because they don't have time to answer the phone. We also have so many hospital heliports, it's ridiculous. Using the apps is the best way to get ALL towers on the same page, and it works. Hearing my drone operation announced over ATC radio without ever calling them, though, was proof positive to me that the apps work.
I've also tried using the Drone Zone site. It works for the most part, but it's best for waivers, not airspace authorizations. That site takes up to 3 months for them to say no, so the flights have to be posted WAY in advance. I did a bunch of blanket area authorization requests, and got permission for the entire Class B airspace, which was nice, but that was before LAANC was operational in my area. Once it was operational, things moved a lot more swiftly.