Australian Drone pilots to take test before flying?
2467 31 2018-2-13
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Flight distance : 71096 ft

Found this hidden away on the ABC (Australia) news site - not seen any mention of it elsewhere? ... quiz-to-fly/9443712

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Grumpy Old Man
Flight distance : 37795 ft

How will they get the code into existing systems if you don't update?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 71096 ft

Grumpy Old Man Posted at 2018-2-13 16:10
How will they get the code into existing systems if you don't update?

Probably wont affect me because I have avoided doing updates for past 12 months - but I bet there will be a few surprised pilots in the next few days!
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United States

Thankful I have the P4P Plus and have yet to see the simpleton test we have here in the US, I know there were lots of people bitching about it.
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Shoot It WA
Flight distance : 3576476 ft

I read that article this morning and flew my Mavic and P4P today, no test but P4P was giving me alerts about updating my fly safe database? Honestly if thats all the test is then I don't really see the harm, if people don't know those basic rules they shouldn't be flying anyway.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Test is pretty basic and easy if you cant pass it then maybe you shouldnt be flying in the first place.
Just my thoughts on it
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Hellsgate Posted at 2018-2-13 18:48
Test is pretty basic and easy if you cant pass it then maybe you shouldnt be flying in the first place.
Just my thoughts on it

If you can't pass the "test", you would need help opening the box.
It's just a reminder that there are rules for anyone that was unaware.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

Labroides Posted at 2018-2-13 19:40
If you can't pass the "test", you would need help opening the box.
It's just a reminder that there are rules for anyone that was unaware.

I wonder if any of DJI’s release notes for either  the DJI Go app or the firmware will advise users of this change. Based on past experience, I expect DJI might just include the change with no notification at all.
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Zimmerman 61
Flight distance : 730052 ft


I used my P4 yesterday and saw no "test" that was required. I did get a message regard updating fly safe database.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Zimmerman 61 Posted at 2018-2-14 01:43
I used my P4 yesterday and saw no "test" that was required. I did get a message regard updating fly safe database.


Im trying to make a habit of not doing any updates unless absolutly necessary
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Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

If it's similar test to UK, takes about two minutes, and is done once for each aircraft. Primarily to make all aware who buy the aircraft that rules do exist governing their use. Apparently about 30% of new buyers have no idea at all that these things are regulated by the air authorities.
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Yep - if you can't get the Australian test right, there's an issue.When I did the test yesterday, I noted that even if you don't get a question right, it'll still give you the ability to re-select the correct answer and progress.

"But they are all easy", I hear you say - "how could you get one wrong?". Well, there's a question asking where your'd go for more information about Australian flying guidelines (or something like that). It includes an option of "", followed by the CASA website, the Where Can I Fly app, or all three. I've never heard of droneflyers before, so I opted for the CASA website. I was wrong - it was all three!

So, what is I just had a look. It looks like an RPA service, but the site "is under construction". This is a crazy option for the test currently then, and why would the test favour a specific service? There's many in Australia... Odd.
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Zimmerman 61
Flight distance : 730052 ft


Hellsgate Posted at 2018-2-14 10:29
Im trying to make a habit of not doing any updates unless absolutly necessary

I'm hearing you. I have become very cautious before rushing into any updates, both from DJI or Apple. Not uncommon for both to have conflicts if their individual updates are around the same dates as each other. Other than that I am happy with the P4.

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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

Punchbuggy Posted at 2018-2-14 16:39
Yep - if you can't get the Australian test right, there's an issue.When I did the test yesterday, I noted that even if you don't get a question right, it'll still give you the ability to re-select the correct answer and progress.

"But they are all easy", I hear you say - "how could you get one wrong?". Well, there's a question asking where your'd go for more information about Australian flying guidelines (or something like that). It includes an option of "", followed by the CASA website, the Where Can I Fly app, or all three. I've never heard of droneflyers before, so I opted for the CASA website. I was wrong - it was all three!

I think you may have gone to the wrong website for DroneFlyers. This is the correct site:
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Flight distance : 266729 ft
United States

I've taken the test twice in the past month.  Both times, passed with 10 out of 10 questions correct.

Once when I updated the DJI GO app for my P3S,  and the second time when I activated and first flew my new Spark.

As someone said above,  it's an easy test.  If you have problems with it,  then you probably had problems opening the box (love that quote,  I'm going to start using it at work!!!).

Easy questions such as:  What's the max altitude allowed (in the US)   a) 1000ft,  b) 400ft  c) unlimited.    The max distance allowed is a) 1 mile  b) VLOS  c)unlimited.
All the questions were similar.  Multiple choice with answers that we should already know.   

The intro to the test says you can take it as many times as you need to pass.   It's not like if you fail, then you never fly again.

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Flight distance : 266729 ft
United States

Punchbuggy Posted at 2018-2-14 16:39
Yep - if you can't get the Australian test right, there's an issue.When I did the test yesterday, I noted that even if you don't get a question right, it'll still give you the ability to re-select the correct answer and progress.

"But they are all easy", I hear you say - "how could you get one wrong?". Well, there's a question asking where your'd go for more information about Australian flying guidelines (or something like that). It includes an option of "", followed by the CASA website, the Where Can I Fly app, or all three. I've never heard of droneflyers before, so I opted for the CASA website. I was wrong - it was all three!

Hmmm..   On the USA test, there was only 1 correct answer.   It was the

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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
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Jenee 2 Posted at 2018-2-14 23:14
I think you may have gone to the wrong website for DroneFlyers. This is the correct site:

Hey Jenee, thanks for clarifying. Just looked and rules are there, but I've never heard of it. Do CASA encourage pilots to go there, I wonder. But the difference in name is one letter. Hmm, I see potential emails querying CASA in the future...

Edit: OK, it's a CASA website under a different name. Go figure...
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Zimmerman 61
Flight distance : 730052 ft


Completed the new "test" yesterday ..........all good. Seriously not overly taxing of the grey matter.

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Grumpy Old Man
Flight distance : 37795 ft

Lethal Posted at 2018-2-13 17:06
Probably wont affect me because I have avoided doing updates for past 12 months - but I bet there will be a few surprised pilots in the next few days!

Today my controller on the P4P+ is booting to the log on screen with no way to bypass it. I haven't had it on the internet since initial registration. why now is it demanding I log on? I can only assume DJI have coded in frequent log ons whether you like it or not. I have no way of connecting it to the Internet so I'm screwed. I don't want to connect it to the internet ever again nor should I have to!!! What happens if people go off to remote locations to do photography with no internet?
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sky wombat
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whoopee etc, got caught by the quiz on the P3 today. No hassles to complete but P4 still happily flying without the quiz. Talk about living on the edge
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First Officer
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United Kingdom

Grumpy Old Man Posted at 2018-2-17 03:16
Today my controller on the P4P+ is booting to the log on screen with no way to bypass it. I haven't had it on the internet since initial registration. why now is it demanding I log on? I can only assume DJI have coded in frequent log ons whether you like it or not. I have no way of connecting it to the Internet so I'm screwed. I don't want to connect it to the internet ever again nor should I have to!!! What happens if people go off to remote locations to do photography with no internet?

It’s a one off login (for each aircraft, or firmware update), and provided you don’t log out of DJI Go 4 then that’s it. No further logins required. No Wi-fi nor cell systems needed when flying remotely.

Or at least that’s how the UK system works.
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Grumpy Old Man
Flight distance : 37795 ft

Aardvark Posted at 2018-2-18 04:03
It’s a one off login (for each aircraft, or firmware update), and provided you don’t log out of DJI Go 4 then that’s it. No further logins required. No Wi-fi nor cell systems needed when flying remotely.

Or at least that’s how the UK system works.

Mine's the Phantom 4 Pro Plus with the built in screen and DJI App installed from purchase. I logged on and registered from new because you have no choice, and it's never been on the net since. Now it boots to the log in screen with no way of bypassing it. So if I was somewhere without WIFI (like I am at home) then I can't fly.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Grumpy Old Man Posted at 2018-2-18 14:04
Mine's the Phantom 4 Pro Plus with the built in screen and DJI App installed from purchase. I logged on and registered from new because you have no choice, and it's never been on the net since. Now it boots to the log in screen with no way of bypassing it. So if I was somewhere without WIFI (like I am at home) then I can't fly.

Can you not use the same wifi connection you used to activate the machine to log in, that one login would solve all your problems. There after no internet connection needed until next update.

Or are you saying because it's a P4P+, that there is a fault and you have to log in every time for some reason ?
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Grumpy Old Man
Flight distance : 37795 ft

Aardvark Posted at 2018-2-18 14:15
Can you not use the same wifi connection you used to activate the machine to log in, that one login would solve all your problems. There after no internet connection needed until next update.

Or are you saying because it's a P4P+, that there is a fault and you have to log in every time for some reason ?

No, I hotspotted to a friends phone and used their data. I can't just do that at home or if I'm away somewhere filming, nor should I have to. I've already paid for and own this drone, and registered it etc. I shouldn't be forced to log on to DJI's website ever again if I don't want to. Updates should be optional. And they shouldn't have the ability to completely disable my drone by forcing me to log on, especially in an area with no WIFI.
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Grumpy Old Man Posted at 2018-2-18 15:59
No, I hotspotted to a friends phone and used their data. I can't just do that at home or if I'm away somewhere filming, nor should I have to. I've already paid for and own this drone, and registered it etc. I shouldn't be forced to log on to DJI's website ever again if I don't want to. Updates should be optional. And they shouldn't have the ability to completely disable my drone by forcing me to log on, especially in an area with no WIFI.

You are missing the point. You only need to do it once, then you should not need to do it again. And if you check out your gear before you go out to fly, you would find you need to log in, this would avoid finding out when you are out in the mulga.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Grumpy Old Man Posted at 2018-2-18 15:59
No, I hotspotted to a friends phone and used their data. I can't just do that at home or if I'm away somewhere filming, nor should I have to. I've already paid for and own this drone, and registered it etc. I shouldn't be forced to log on to DJI's website ever again if I don't want to. Updates should be optional. And they shouldn't have the ability to completely disable my drone by forcing me to log on, especially in an area with no WIFI.

All that is needed is to log in once, that's it, using the same internet connection you use to log into the forum. After that it will work in areas with no wifi/cellnet.
If you wish to make a point in principle then that's your choice, bear in mind you had to log into the forum here to make your thoughts known.

Along the same line of thought, we are all forced to accept tracking cookies for almost every website we visit. To object to that in principle would prohibit us from using many features of the internet. This is especially noticeable in the E.U where websites have to have our agreement to use cookies on our machines.
On the plus side, might it be a way of DJI keeping track of all the devices, perhaps useful if trying to recover a stolen machine.

If we visit a bank and withdraw money, we are required to sign a withdrawal slip, otherwise they effectively disable our access to our money. Food for thought.

The reality is, as has been said, log in once and fly free, or do not fly,
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

Geebax Posted at 2018-2-18 16:30
You are missing the point. You only need to do it once, then you should not need to do it again. And if you check out your gear before you go out to fly, you would find you need to log in, this would avoid finding out when you are out in the mulga.

Which DJI release notes cover the requirements of this new online test?
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JockC Posted at 2018-2-18 22:27
Which DJI release notes cover the requirements of this new online test?

None that I know of. But i did the test on the web site linked to and got 100% first try, pretty simple.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

Geebax Posted at 2018-2-18 22:41
None that I know of. But i did the test on the web site linked to and got 100% first try, pretty simple.

I also got the test right the first time but my point is that this was a substantial change to the app yet, once again, DJI chose to sneak it through rather than take the honest approach  and advise owners beforehand. I recall that the same thing happened when disallowing third party batteries with the P3, geofencing and several other key changes. Release notes are useless if they only focus on what DJI thinks is good news whilst omitting other significant changes.
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JockC Posted at 2018-2-18 22:57
I also got the test right the first time but my point is that this was a substantial change to the app yet, once again, DJI chose to sneak it through rather than take the honest approach  and advise owners beforehand. I recall that the same thing happened when disallowing third party batteries with the P3, geofencing and several other key changes. Release notes are useless if they only focus on what DJI thinks is good news whilst omitting other significant changes.

They never told anyone when they brought in geo-fencing either.
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Grumpy Old Man
Flight distance : 37795 ft

Aardvark Posted at 2018-2-18 16:39
All that is needed is to log in once, that's it, using the same internet connection you use to log into the forum. After that it will work in areas with no wifi/cellnet.
If you wish to make a point in principle then that's your choice, bear in mind you had to log into the forum here to make your thoughts known.

I'm at work, work allows me access to this forum directly. Its WIFI service does not allow me to access the DJI log on section. The Pro+ with built in screen does not have a web browser, my company wifi opens a web browser as part of the authorisation. Therefore I cannot log into DJI with a Pro+ from here.
And you keep saying I only have to log on once, I have logged on, MONTHS ago when I bought the drone. I logged on using a friends hotspot and their data and did all the registration and all the upgrades and all the fly zones and all the other crap you are forced to do and have been flying without issue since. NOW I have to log on again because it boots to the DJI log in screen. I flew in the morning, changed battery and when I turned it back on it went to the log in screen. So, no, you can't just check first then drive for miles and guarantee it will fly.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Grumpy Old Man Posted at 2018-2-19 17:32
I'm at work, work allows me access to this forum directly. Its WIFI service does not allow me to access the DJI log on section. The Pro+ with built in screen does not have a web browser, my company wifi opens a web browser as part of the authorisation. Therefore I cannot log into DJI with a Pro+ from here.
And you keep saying I only have to log on once, I have logged on, MONTHS ago when I bought the drone. I logged on using a friends hotspot and their data and did all the registration and all the upgrades and all the fly zones and all the other crap you are forced to do and have been flying without issue since. NOW I have to log on again because it boots to the DJI log in screen. I flew in the morning, changed battery and when I turned it back on it went to the log in screen. So, no, you can't just check first then drive for miles and guarantee it will fly.

"So, no, you can't just check first then drive for miles and guarantee it will fly."

Well the log in procedure was first introduced in DJI Go 4 V4.1.0. And the only time I have had to log in again was after an aircraft firmware update. So I'm not quite sure what triggered yours to require a log in, unless perhaps the battery hadn't had previous firmware update applied. And that was the trigger.

There is certainly nothing that stops me driving for miles and flying.
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