Flight distance : 231394 ft
United States
Thanks for the comments, all. I had fun flying there, and the toughest part of editing the videos was choosing which scenes to keep and which to cut, so as to keep the resulting video from being too long.
On the Tuesday we were there, all the dive boats went to Maya Cay for a picnic lunch between the second morning dive and the afternoon dive. When I heard we were going to another location for a picnic lunch, I packed the Spark in a dry bag and took it along, thinking it would be a cool location for some more video. Once we arrived, though, I knew I would not be flying there at all. Reference the screen shot below of the Google Map of Maya Cay, paying attention to the scale in the lower right corner.
Yeah - less than a quarter mile off the end of the runway of the international airport on Roatan. I don't think the planes passing over Maya Cay were much more than a couple of hundred feet up. |