 Second Officer
Flight distance : 1977175 ft
Rustic17 Posted at 2018-2-27 09:25
I am pretty sure OTG does not increase range...OTG only improves the signal between the mobile device and RC. Early on when the Spark first came out there were issues on connection between the RC and some mobile devices (because there were so many out there). After a multitude of app updates, DJI has been able to resolve nearly all of those issues. I have never flown with OTG. I've flown in Europe, Hawaii, and continental US and never had a problem between the iPhone and RC. Again, that's all OTC helps with. The connection between the RC and drone is what determines how far you'll get range wise...and OTG doesn't come into play.
Quite right and well stated. , OTG only improves connectivity between RC and Mobile Device. |