Flight distance : 8442 ft
United Kingdom
I have a couple dummy questions on the behavior of the DJi Spark.
1) Quickshot spiral video: I took a video using the quickshot spiral video but the result is a very short video and showing some accelerated moves despite the spark was moving very smoothly. Is there a way to recover hte initial full length movie captured during the flight instead of the short automated video created by the spark or djig Go 4 ?
2)Manual camera settings : I don't understand how to control manually the exposure setting. I see the indication +1..+2 (etc.), but I cna't find way to define it myself (I tried clicking on it, moving the indicator with finger..). How do you do it ?
3) If I understood properly the GO 4 screen indicators, the application is showing the altitude of drone compared to initial takeoff location. Is there a way to display the altitude compared to ground just below the drone ? And another question: the RTH altitude is defined against initial takeoff altitude, correct ? not compared to ground level where RTH is started ?
Thank you for your help,