Is DJI a communist power?
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4970 121 2018-3-3
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
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Whatever, edit
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Flight distance : 7 ft

What kind of hardware failure are you experiencing? What happened and how did you almost kill someone?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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If you've experienced faulty hardware why on earth haven't you sent it back before now! In addition if it has faulty hardware why are you still flying it! If the unit is as bad as you say DJI would replace it, period.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

I have 4 threads, and over 400 responses that would answer that question. Please read up
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

Maybe drones aren’t for you.  Move on nothing to see here...
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

MiniPalourde Posted at 2018-3-3 06:39
What kind of hardware failure are you experiencing? What happened and how did you almost kill someone?

App drops every single fight I have ever flown. I have tried approved list phones, tablets and the whole deal. Been asking about how to fix this for over 6 months now, and DJI ignores me. I have been asking how to extract the info from the drone, so I have some leverage when DJI fixes it. I can't acces the records, been asking DJI Thor and Grace for help with this for 6 months. They only ignore me.

So drop of app isn't the worst, and even DJI grace and Thor recommended I keep flying it. Last flight, I turned on the drone, let it idle for half a min, then took off. About 6 feet in the air, it spun out of control and missed my daughters head by inches. She is 4 years old.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

Oracle Miata Posted at 2018-3-3 06:54
Maybe drones aren’t for you.  Move on nothing to see here...
Interesting how this is the response to most of the people. You really think DJI doesn't put out defective drones?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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So you still haven't answered the question.  If the product is faulty as you state, why haven't you returned it to DJI!  

I have read up, and from what I have observed, the problem is you, not DJI. Every opportunity you go onto the forum and cry, send the damned thing back fella.

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Flight distance : 6257444 ft
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United States

They remove all your thread?  Faulty from the moment you got the drone, flight distance of over 81000m?  Something doesnt ring true here.

First of all We are not going to research all your threads for such a vague accusations.  It seems you are one of a very few with this type of complaint.  Also, if you have had such a horrible experience with flying, how did you rack up all this flight distance.

I am behind anyone 100% for por customer service but you need to help us understand with specifics man.  You will get no love here for the vast unsubstantiated claims.  We want to help but all you do is attack the oneswho want to help you and ask for explanation.  Like to saying us to help you!
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

Bulldog Posted at 2018-3-3 06:57
Maybe you are a fan boy? Interesting how this is the response to most of the people. You really think DJI doesn't put out defective drones? You little keyboard warrior you.

Lol. you mad snowflake?
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

MFPullen Posted at 2018-3-3 07:33
They remove all your thread?  Faulty from the moment you got the drone, flight distance of over 81000m?  Something doesnt ring true here.

First of all We are not going to research all your threads for such a vague accusations.  It seems you are one of a very few with this type of complaint.  Also, if you have had such a horrible experience with flying, how did you rack up all this flight distance.

Problem is, I have responded literally hundreds of times to people, and I have tried everything. I was able to fly so many meters, because I would risk app drops every flight. I would just hit return to home, and wait for relaunch but as time went on I kept my flights around 2000ft, where I could still visually see the drone. I could go on more, but why really. At the end of the day, you don't care, I wont convince you, and my drone is still garbage.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

Send the damned drone in!!!
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

M2Wair Posted at 2018-3-3 07:05
So you still haven't answered the question.  If the product is faulty as you state, why haven't you returned it to DJI!  

I have read up, and from what I have observed, the problem is you, not DJI. Every opportunity you go onto the forum and cry, send the damned thing back fella.

I have actually answered this many times, in my many threads. I have asked for help retrieving any files before I send into DJI. I have posted my troubles, even in my last thread regading retrieving these files. I am able to take a screen shot of a few things on my phone and post that, but I am unable to retrieve my flight data from the recommended sights people have said to use.

That really has been my problem all along. My flight logs drop, every single flight. The whole time I have been asking DJI people if my flight log drops, and my drone crashes, what proof do I have that its a malfunction or user error. I guess I am in the middle of testing that situation at this very moment. The flight log I was able to post I will post again on the next post. I have to jump to my phone and post from there.

When I do post, notice it looks like I only fly in 2-5 minute flights. I never do that, I fly till the battery runs out. Also notice my last flight, the crash, the flight lasted less than 10 seconds before it spun out of control.

At least I keep trying...... Even if nobody agrees.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

ghostrdr Posted at 2018-3-3 09:35
Send the damned drone in!!!

I am trying. I had the case number and everything posted in my most detailed thread, however they chose to take it down.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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DJI is a multi Million Dollar business, somehow I don't think for one minute they are going to rip you off, they have nothing to gain by doing so, so send the drone back and allow the tech staff establish if there is, as you state a hardware fault/problem, and if they do find an issue, they will repair or replace the product.

I hope you do get a satisfactory resolution to this issue, but you won't until you send your reputed 'defective' drone in for analysis.  

My thoughts are after flying 81961 there can't be much of an issue other than perhaps pilot error/misunderstanding. Why not download a screen recording app to your phone/tablet and record your issues and post a video. If there is an issue I am more than sure forum members here will be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck with this.

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Flight distance : 7 ft

Bulldog Posted at 2018-3-3 06:54
App drops every single fight I have ever flown. I have tried approved list phones, tablets and the whole deal. Been asking about how to fix this for over 6 months now, and DJI ignores me. I have been asking how to extract the info from the drone, so I have some leverage when DJI fixes it. I can't acces the records, been asking DJI Thor and Grace for help with this for 6 months. They only ignore me.

So drop of app isn't the worst, and even DJI grace and Thor recommended I keep flying it. Last flight, I turned on the drone, let it idle for half a min, then took off. About 6 feet in the air, it spun out of control and missed my daughters head by inches. She is 4 years old.

Damn.... Do not fly this drone ever again! I have seen some serious cuts and lacerations done by Mavics.

So basically, the problem is not the drone but the app itself. Have you tried using different devices?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

MiniPalourde Posted at 2018-3-3 12:02
Damn.... Do not fly this drone ever again! I have seen some serious cuts and lacerations done by Mavics.

So basically, the problem is not the drone but the app itself. Have you tried using different devices?

He says he's done everything but never offers proof.... like a flight record. He knows the drone is at fault yet he's not technically astute enough to gather a flight record. The drone is unsafe yet he continues to fly it to the point of almost decapitating his four year old. I call B.S.!
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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I'm sorry you and DJI don't match like it should.
Hope you get things sorted out in a way you can be happy.
Not sure how this thread is going to help you with that though.
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Flight distance : 7 ft

Bulldog Posted at 2018-3-3 09:30
Problem is, I have responded literally hundreds of times to people, and I have tried everything. I was able to fly so many meters, because I would risk app drops every flight. I would just hit return to home, and wait for relaunch but as time went on I kept my flights around 2000ft, where I could still visually see the drone. I could go on more, but why really. At the end of the day, you don't care, I wont convince you, and my drone is still garbage.

By the way Bulldog, if your problem is the DJI GO 4 app crashing I suggest you buy Litchi for 25 bucks. It has a few extra options like MAPS waypoints and Litchi might not crash with your drone. If I were you I'd try Litchi for sure.
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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

hey bulldog - i have also flown with what i believe is a faulty drone for a 6 days short of a full year - done 1265km so far.
2 weeks short of one year in and i decided to send my drone back to be tested. On the day or the day after i sent my drone back, i got my very first advise from a moderator that i should send my drone back for testing - up till then i have been doing every recomendation they make changing cable and checking antena, reloading app, refreshing app, refrshing my devise, moving locations, observing environmental situations etc etc - then the next app version comes out and things are good or better - so i am happy and keep going. Sometimes later things bomb out again - and we go through the whole recomendation, trial and error sequence again.
If my problem was always and constant then i would not need advise to send it back - but since my problem fluctuates i thought that if it is a known about error then relevant advise would be forthcomming and since it has not been forthcomming i figured that maybe they do not realise that a certain fault exists somewhere.

To my mind the ups and downs seem to coincide with new app versions - therefore i am pretty sure that somewhere in the app programing are issues that affect me.
i never saw dji openly admit app failures although i think there is tacit acknowlagement - why else would they need to do so many updates - sure sometimes for adding features but i wonder if mostly it is not fixes to problems we make them aware of on the forum. How else to make sense of that fact that when we complain about app issues within a few weeks a new version is launched and then most of those who were complaining stop complaining.

Of course not all problems are software related.
At the top of the list of problems is surely user error. we are expected to man up when it is our fault and i feel that dji should do the same and i have seen many many instance where that has been the case.

But i have also seen many instances where the drone is accused of going bizaar - often resulting in a crash and often also resulting in the permanent loss of the drone.
This section of problem has been most interesting for me i have noticed similarities in some case reports (coupled with my own experiance) that has brought me to the conclusion that other causes to some problems exist which we and the moderators do not seem to aware of.
I think that the mods are not familiar with all the causes because once they have gone through a set list of things they either stop communicating or they start going through the list again - of course we get frustrated.

It is to be expected that within thousands of units made that there will exist some with hardware defects.
My recurring fault (which varies in degree when app versions change - is sometimes quite bad and other times really not so bad)
I also think though it may not be entirely or only the app issue - hense the investigation and research i am doing about RC Radio frequency.

I may be completely wrong but my thinking about the problem goes a bit like this: many crashes reported include the explanation about disconnects (in other wise assumed perfect environmental situations) and sometimes the drone going crazy and then flying off and the user not able to control it. i always look for for possible user error and i will call it if i see it every time. but there are many times i just do not  see user error or understand the failure or what might be the cause of the failure hense i got to the thinking that sometimes there may exist a hardware failure the cause of which is never made known because either the drone is entirely lost or gets sent back to dji who have replaced it and with that any further understanding what caused the problem evaporates.

eventually when i did send my drone back they kindly replaced the entire gimbal section. I mean thats great and all and i truely appreciate it since it did not cost me anything but it has not changed my situation which implies to me that they too are trouble shooting in the dark.

anyway i empathise with you. good luck.

tell me one thing - what devise are you using day to day for drone flying.
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Flight distance : 13528625 ft
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South Africa

Hey Bulldog. From the last posts you were going to send the drone back, send it in to be checked and replaced if need be. We all tried helping with advise but it seems that nothing works your last option is to bite the bullet and send it in it is your only way out now. Making new threads is not really going to be of any help.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

Suren Posted at 2018-3-3 22:25
Hey Bulldog. From the last posts you were going to send the drone back, send it in to be checked and replaced if need be. We all tried helping with advise but it seems that nothing works your last option is to bite the bullet and send it in it is your only way out now. Making new threads is not really going to be of any help.

I know it's really hard, but I have addressed this several times in this very thread. Here it is in bullet points.

- I talked about returning the drone for months due to dropped app every single flight.

- I am now returning the drone, because it lifted off and spun out of control.

To wrap this up, I had a flying drone, that would lose the app. It killed most of the enjoyment, however it flew. Then once the drone took a complete dump, and crashed, I started a claim ticket.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

Bekaru Tree Posted at 2018-3-3 15:50
hey bulldog - i have also flown with what i believe is a faulty drone for a 6 days short of a full year - done 1265km so far.
2 weeks short of one year in and i decided to send my drone back to be tested. On the day or the day after i sent my drone back, i got my very first advise from a moderator that i should send my drone back for testing - up till then i have been doing every recomendation they make changing cable and checking antena, reloading app, refreshing app, refrshing my devise, moving locations, observing environmental situations etc etc - then the next app version comes out and things are good or better - so i am happy and keep going. Sometimes later things bomb out again - and we go through the whole recomendation, trial and error sequence again.
If my problem was always and constant then i would not need advise to send it back - but since my problem fluctuates i thought that if it is a known about error then relevant advise would be forthcomming and since it has not been forthcomming i figured that maybe they do not realise that a certain fault exists somewhere.

Thank you. Finally somebody that actually sees what I see, and has experienced the same issues as I have. At least I can go to bed feeling sane now. For a while, all the fan boys had me thinking I was a fraud.
I answered your question in the other thread as well, but the phone I was using during the crash was a Google Pixel. Same phone I had used for 95% of my flights.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

ghostrdr Posted at 2018-3-3 13:35
He says he's done everything but never offers proof.... like a flight record. He knows the drone is at fault yet he's not technically astute enough to gather a flight record. The drone is unsafe yet he continues to fly it to the point of almost decapitating his four year old. I call B.S.!

I have uploaded everything my phone will allow. Part of the problem, which I have stated many times, is the app dropping also effects the flight records. I have been saying this for months, and the main reason I wouldn't send in the drone before. No proof of bad drone from my side. I have posted the last flight logs, and all the info I did have, which is segmented flight logs. Do you really need me to post them up again?
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

Here it is again.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

As for how DJI has helped? It's been 7 days, no call back as requested and they have just started a claim....... They said a manger would call regarding a refund. Never happened. 50 minutes on the phone, a weeks time, and zero help so far. Thanks DJI.

I have also tagged all the mods I have seen on this site, and nobody is helping still.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

M2Wair Posted at 2018-3-3 11:26
DJI is a multi Million Dollar business, somehow I don't think for one minute they are going to rip you off, they have nothing to gain by doing so, so send the drone back and allow the tech staff establish if there is, as you state a hardware fault/problem, and if they do find an issue, they will repair or replace the product.

I hope you do get a satisfactory resolution to this issue, but you won't until you send your reputed 'defective' drone in for analysis.  

LOL. You are funny. You don't think multi million dollar companies screw people over? I have a bridge to sell you........ Governments never hurt a soul either............ Big companies and government looking out for the little guy........ Wake up dude.
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Bekaru MP UAV
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

Bulldog Posted at 2018-3-9 04:47
Thank you. Finally somebody that actually sees what I see, and has experienced the same issues as I have. At least I can go to bed feeling sane now. For a while, all the fan boys had me thinking I was a fraud.
I answered your question in the other thread as well, but the phone I was using during the crash was a Google Pixel. Same phone I had used for 95% of my flights.

i also succeeded on and off as long as i have without a recommened devise and i am now pretty sure that is the problem.
your devise has pretty good specs - above averge of whats on the list.
I was thinking that specs are relevant but considering your good phone specs i am now not sure any more.
Which brings me to the conclusion that android must satisfy 2 things.
1 - it must have sufficient specs
2 - it must also be on the list because those are the ones that dji has tweeked pre app launch and are committed to tweeking immediately when problems arrise.

Trying to find another phone to use to test is not as easy for some (like me) as others seem to imply.
I understand your frustration - i would recommend trying another devise that is on the list and try to rule that out as the problem

my first devise i actually bought from my drone suplier as a dedicated devise - it only occassionally worked properly - i spend months wasting time with that devise before i heard about dji list and then realised my devise was not on it.
Wasted thousands of rands on a devise i have no use for - believe me i feel your pain
good luck
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Bekaru MP UAV
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

no i do not believe for a second that dji is a communist power - would be great if you could change the title as it only induces unnessesary negative energy. as expressed i feel your pain from personal experiance but your post title is actually irrelevant to anything and can really only be construed as intending to be nasty.
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Mavic Ace
Flight distance : 333976 ft
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United States

It’s almost like DJI drones have a small child magnet, a weak one though. How many of these stories include a near miss of a pre-schooler?
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

Bekaru MP UAV Posted at 2018-3-9 05:17
i also succeeded on and off as long as i have without a recommened devise and i am now pretty sure that is the problem.
your devise has pretty good specs - above averge of whats on the list.
I was thinking that specs are relevant but considering your good phone specs i am now not sure any more.

Thanks again man.

I said 95% of the flights, cause I have tried on a device somebody on the boards recommended. That was a waste of a couple hundred bucks. Then I tried my cousins I phone from the approved list. I tried his phone on 4 different occasions, spanning several app updates. His phone never drops on his drone, and it always, 100% of the time drops on my drone.

So IMO, it's not the phone. It's the drone. However I have been asking for DJI and others help on how to retrieve all my files. Seems my drone is so damaged, it wont allow me to retrieve those files. Or at least as far as I can tell, and nobody from DJI will help.

Anyways, thanks for the kind words. They are few and far between around here. I wonder how some of these folks would feel if their drone crashed due to a problem you have been warning about, then called a lair when it does happen?
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

Bekaru MP UAV Posted at 2018-3-9 05:20
no i do not believe for a second that dji is a communist power - would be great if you could change the title as it only induces unnessesary negative energy. as expressed i feel your pain from personal experiance but your post title is actually irrelevant to anything and can really only be construed as intending to be nasty.

I agree. However they erased all my threads, with all the details of my problems. Hence why I wondered if they were a communist power. I can't edit the title. If the shoe fits..........
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

Mavic Ace Posted at 2018-3-9 05:20
It’s almost like DJI drones have a small child magnet, a weak one though. How many of these stories include a near miss of a pre-schooler?

It was one of my favorite things to video, was my child. Could that be the reason? I often try to do the active track at soccer games, rider her bike, ext. If you spend most of your time recording people, and the drone fails, guess who is in danger?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
  • >>>

Bulldog Posted at 2018-3-9 05:04
LOL. You are funny. You don't think multi million dollar companies screw people over? I have a bridge to sell you........ Governments never hurt a soul either............ Big companies and government looking out for the little guy........ Wake up dude.

So if your drone is as defective as you claim, why haven't you returned it to DJI for analysis and why are you still flying a defective drone! Perhaps it is you that needs to get real and send it back before it harms you or an innocent bystander. I sincerely hope you do send it back and DJI effect a repair or replace your drone and you can enjoy flying your drone in the very near future.

If any of my drones (and I have many) developed a fault, it would be back in it's box and returned for the engineers to establish and rectify the faults, no if's but's or maybe's it would go back.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

M2Wair Posted at 2018-3-9 06:57
So if your drone is as defective as you claim, why haven't you returned it to DJI for analysis and why are you still flying a defective drone! Perhaps it is you that needs to get real and send it back before it harms you or an innocent bystander. I sincerely hope you do send it back and DJI effect a repair or replace your drone and you can enjoy flying your drone in the very near future.

If any of my drones (and I have many) developed a fault, it would be back in it's box and returned for the engineers to establish and rectify the faults, no if's but's or maybe's it would go back.

once again, I was told by DJI to keep flying it. Come on, get a clue and grow up. Why are you still trolling this thread?
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Flight distance : 78930 ft
United States

As everyone has said, please return the drone to DJI and maybe just maybe they will help you.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

duke123 Posted at 2018-3-9 13:35
As everyone has said, please return the drone to DJI and maybe just maybe they will help you.

Why does everybody keep saying it, even though I have answered that 100 times?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

You've crashed the drone and it's now damaged. You submit a repair request, receive a case number and send the drone in for service as a warranty claim and request a data analysis. That's all you can do at this point unless you want to spend all your time whining on the forum and looking at an unflyable Mavic. You could have done this months ago had you not been so obsessed with gaining access to the files stored on the Mavic, for whatever reason.
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Flight distance : 816158 ft
United States

first, I didn't crash anything, it did it all by itself from take off.

Second, this just happened, and I have been complaining about a faulty drone for 6 months. So yea, it's being sent in.

Third, you have spent all this time hating, and still don't understand why I didn't send it in? really?
I would repect your comments more if you paid attention. However you have proved you are just a troll looking for anything to Troll over.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

I've been following your threads since the beginning and I still don't understand why you continued to fly a drone you believed was defective. If you launched a Mavic you knew was defective, YOU crashed it. Odds are the drone they send back will be a replacement and you'll be rid of the original problem anyway.
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