Travel on a plane? I always thought you were not supposed to put any lithium ion batteries in a checked bag, but I guess that may not be true depending on which airline you fly. I accidentally checked a lithium ion and my bag was opened and searched. to be safe now I always carry lithium ion in my carry on item or personal bag. Here's some good info at
I wouldn't !
I only place my battery in the AC when I get ready to fly.
It is to easy for the button to be hit and battery turn on in the AC.
I carry my batteries in fireproof bags when not in AC to fly.
That is an interesting (PDF) on the FAA site...but how old is it?
The way they have had recent fires from lithium ion batteries, hover boards to phones and computers...all lithium ion batteries will soon be banned on airlines.
That's just me though...others may disagree.
The way I see it is if my battery leaks then I simply lose the battery if packed on it's own. If it's in the drone then the loss it obviously far more significant! I too use lipo safety bags for storing my batteries.
Weirdly enough DJI sends out the fly more combos with the battery installed at the AC. I also presume it is prepacked and sits in their storage facilities for some time so if the battery is down to about 60% I wouldn't see a problem leaving it in the AC.
But Andy (A CW) made a good point, if in any case the battery leaks, it at least does not leak into the AC.
Would not travel with it in the drone. I have LIPO bags for mine and I have heard that the TSA requires that you discharge all batteries even with the bags.
I just would error on the side of safety......keep em out and separated........I just ( yesterday) threw away correctly.........3 M2 pro batteries that were swollen.......I don’t have the budget to buy a replacement drone due to accidental leakage during you!,,,
jenniferlopez Posted at 2-7 22:31
I think it would be better to use lipo safety bags for storing the batteries and try to remove the battery if its below 10% when you are on a fly. I read some reviews and almost peoples experiences are the same like me..
You need to make sure the batteries are charged and you have the drone with you as the security people may ask you to turn them on to ensure they are batteries. I have had this once with the drone and a few times with my laptop.
Amateur Droner Posted at 2018-3-4 20:33
I wouldn't !
I only place my battery in the AC when I get ready to fly.
It is to easy for the button to be hit and battery turn on in the AC.
"all lithium ion batteries will soon be banned on airlines.
That's just me though...others may disagree."
So no one will be able to travel with their mobile phone, laptop or camera. That will be interesting.
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