Flight distance : 524032 ft
United States
If you had crashed it and posted the story here, you'd be getting endless abuse right now for flying there, but because you had a successful (and beautiful!) flight, you get kudos from nearly everyone :-) That's the nature of this hobby. It's all about capturing new perspectives never before possible, which by definition involves risk. It is hard to get consensus on exactly where the line is drawn between stupid and brave. And that's precisely what makes this hobby so interesting and addictive for me and many others. The best and most interesting footage comes from those of us that stay close to that line. It's only there that that we really learn anything because it captures our full attention.
I for one commend you on taking the risk with this flight, and also respect your conclusion not to do it again. The reality is the only real risk was to your Inspire and it's clear no people or other property were at risk. And the end result is beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for posting this.
--Abe |