Flight distance : 2273796 ft
The Mavic has 2 IMU's and compasses, if it detects an anomaly it will switch over to the second compass.
Generally when the Warning "compass redundancy switch occured" is raised on the Go4 App, it is time to bring the Mavic home and check the compass calibration.
In your case it can be inducted by ferromagnetic (iron) objects near the Mavic.
Move your Mavic to an other place with no ferromagnetic objects and check your compass sensors. (Advanced/Sensors/Compass in the Go4 App)
The compass sensors should be most of the time below 50.
Spikes over 75 is a no-go for safe flight.
When this criteria is not met, make a good compass calibration. (far away from metallic objects, etc)
Please note:
If the Mavic did already a redundancy switch and detects again an anomaly on the second compass during the flight it will go to ATTI. (Clould end up with a fly away)
My personal recommendation is to check the compass sensors before every flight and proceed as stated above. |