First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
There's many pilot apps for the DJI drones, including GO. DJI make available a Software Developer Kit (SDK) for apps to interface to the controller-drone via software calls, as their market is the hardware and not the software.
To your question: for me it's two reasons - autonomous missions and code quality. You can use the Litchi Mission Hub to build a mission (with route, waypoints, camera height, etc), upload it to the drone, and send it on its way. Great for pre-planning and replicating exact flights over time.
Otherwise, the Litchi app is a leaner app and arguably is better written code. That's why it'll still run on older CPU platforms, as it doesn't have the same level of processing demands as the current GO 4 series.
But I still use DJI GO 4 too. There are configuration processes which must still be done via the DJI app (IMU configuration, for example), and I actually quite like the Editor for putting something quick together in the field.
You just don't run multiple pilot apps at the same time.