 Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom
Kuya Kano Posted at 2018-3-10 05:58
Thank you, Nigel.
Yes, for an upcoming music video I was thinking about using the P4P for circling the musician at about chest height. When I tried using Point Of Interest, it wouldn't go below I believe 15 meters. I'll experiment with Active Track.
You may have to put it into active track reasonably high, and then bring it down to where you want, fairly sure there is a highish limit when entering active track mode.
Make sure your assistant knows about the pause button, they can always give it back to you safely after pressing pause!
If you are on an island then the ground is probably not very flat, you can take off from somewhere low, and fly your circle somewhere higher.
Not convinced chest height is very safe, but it's your body! |