Rob W
Second Officer
Flight distance : 96152 ft
I got my new Inspire 2 with X5S and all codecs last week. Due to constant snowfall I've just started testing the camera indoors. It's low light conditions, but I notice some rolling horizontal banding on both ProRes 4444HQ as well as on CinemaDNG, both shot with D-Log. It's looks a bit like rolling lines on an old CRT screen. I've played it in Quicktime and in DaVinci Resolve and both movies show the same issue. I'm getting a bit worried. I wonder if someone else have noted this.
I tried to upload to Youtube, but it compresses it too much so the issue dissapear in all the other artifact the compression does.
The Inspire 2 and X5S are brand new, and they have never flown yet. Latest official firmware as of today - 2018-03-06.