Took the Phantom 3 out for some snow videos. Did all my updates the night before, made sure I'd logged into the app, everything ready ..... but it just wouldn't warm up on the day, even stuck it back in the warm car but still said wait - warming up. Gave up after about 20 minutes
I know, I should have done a cold IMU calibration the night before, they last one was a hot day back in the summer .... doh!
Backup quad provided a flawless service as usuall, hopefully one day I'll be posting a Phantom video.
OOO Posted at 2018-3-6 19:26
Very nice. I think I should have one of those fpv drones. I don’t know how to and where to start!
Thanks, it can be a confusing journey sometimes. Personally I would spend the money on some decent goggles, I got the fatsharks but there are many new makes out now worth looking at.
Then get a cheap Tiny whoop style quad to practice (Eachine qx65s looks nice), once you can rip around your house in acro mode get a 5" quad like the Wizard x220.
I wouldn't spend lots on the quad to start with, it's going to end up in the mud, top of a tree or bottom of a river before long.