Flight distance : 96631 ft
New Zealand
PedalingDuo Posted at 2018-3-10 10:46
Thanks you for the input. I knew that ICE wanted JPeg. I adjusted the DNG files in Adobe Lightroom and then exported them as JPegs. ICE stitches it just fine, but it is not in the 2:1 ratio that Pano 360 requires.
I can't quite understand how the Pano picture from DJI capture fits them all in the 2:1 ratio and ICE cannot. I can crop it in ICE but to do that I have to cut out some of the picture making it NOT a continuous scene.
So i've been struggling with this a little bit too. When the Mavic Air does the stitching, i notice that in some places it doesn't quite line up, like there's a little bit of double-vision ghosting going on. Microsoft ICE is a lot better, but doesn't seem to let you resize to 2:1. I spent a fair bit of time messing with GIMP 2 yesterday, trying to figure out how to make it 2:1 and then paint in the extra sky - the 2:1 thing was fine (changing canvas size to 8000 x 4000 and setting the offset so that the additional "white space" was at the top), but it seems my painting skills were lacking; just could not get it looking natural, ended up with obvious solid lines between different shades of blue in the sky.
Ended up using Paint 3D in Windows 10 to select a small sliver of sky, and then stretching it up to the top of the 'canvas'. Below is the end result. Looks quite good, but i'm not sure it will work particularly well on cloudy days where there's lots going on up there. Any other better suggestions as to how "painting in the sky" is done?