Flight distance : 852392 ft
$gambino$ Posted at 2018-3-10 20:08
They are lipo and why in the world would u leave your batteries charged for several days so they can discharge themselves??? U should never leave them fully charged for more then a day. U should go have a read about lipo's or their cycle life will be very short. Abd will not perform correctly! Never discharge them past 20% and if u do leave them somewhat charged it should be at storage charge. 30% is sufficient
Dude you didnt get the question. In P4 series you could choose after how many days, discharging would kick-in. I usually had 3 days. My question was, that I could not find this option for the Mavic Air and I have noticed that after several days, the batteries did not get discharged. So now I understood that you cannot change this parameter for the air and that it takes 10 days for the discharge to take place. |