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Craziest/Funniest/Scariest Rescue Stories?
590 2 2018-3-10
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Flight distance : 1277703 ft
United States

There is an epic rescue story involving a cargo ship emergency landing over on another Mavic forum (search for user "zaceshighz" posts), and it made me curious. What is your most interesting/craziest/funniest/scariest drone rescue story? Did it get stuck in a tree like me? I was questioned by police for standing on the hood of my car, throwing water bottles into a tree trying to knock my stuck Mavic loose. They thought I was a crazy person attacking noisy birds. Once I convinced them I wasn't crazy, they actually helped me get it down.

So, where did you get your bird stuck and what lengths did you go through to get it back? Mountain rescue? Rooftop? Tree? River/ocean recovery? Stolen? Did you risk life and limb? Did strangers or friends help you? I'm interested to hear these tales.
Please share.

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Flight distance : 96631 ft
New Zealand

Only had my Mavic Air just over a week, but was showing off trying to land on the park bench i'd taken off from ..... no dice; the turbulence/propeller wash caused only the front landing gear to connect with the park bench ..... drone started to drop off, but just managed to recover it with no damage done. Proceeded to find a flat piece of concrete and land like a sane person instead of a show-off muppet.

I now realise that even taking off from a metal park bench wasn't a good idea. Lesson learned with no damage done, so a close-call win, as far as i'm concerned!   
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

I’m very pleased to say that I’ve never had to rescue any of my drones.
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