One thing I've always hated on the P2V+ was the crazy-fast tilting of the camera. It was impossible to get the smooth and super-slow tilting (that fades to a stop) that is desirable in videomaking.
I have noted that you can set the speed of the gimbal tilt. Has anyone tried yet to play with this setting and set if it is easy now to make that smoooooth and sloooow camera-tilt, controlled with the dial on the controller? Also, is this dial a wheel that free-spins all the way round? Or is it sort of a toggle-switch-type thing that increase speed the more you 'push' it?
I have the same question about the yaw (rotate). It is vital for a cinematic feel that you're able to do rotate/jaw slowly and smoothly. I know the camera gimbal 3rd axis smooths this, but I've also understood that you can change the "sensitivity" or "expo" of the sticks, so the movement is really small in the beginning and increase exponetially if you go to extreme stick positions. Has anyone have time to experiment with this? Please share your experiences and opinion.
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