Here you go, yet another video of DroneGirlISA testing the gorgeous red Mavic Air, rain permitting (Lots of it in Milan these days). Isa is a true busy bee these days, running around the city, doing product presentations, keeping up with social media (We are running a chicken book campaign) and building websites. She is quite versatile and a bundle of energy. With the help of Marco "Sbrinz" I think they put together a really cute video:
Great job. After seeing this I am convinced that my Spark is either blind, or only has half the software installed, it has never done anything close to that in gesture mode. Keep up the good work.
Mavic Ace Posted at 2018-3-14 04:57
I don’t understand the hand gesture thing at all. What kind of a narcissist gets a drone to take photos of themselves?
Maybe it can be handy if you are on a cliff or on a boat or alone
Cinnies_Dad Posted at 2018-3-14 05:21
Great job. After seeing this I am convinced that my Spark is either blind, or only has half the software installed, it has never done anything close to that in gesture mode. Keep up the good work.
Mavic Ace Posted at 2018-3-14 04:57
I don’t understand the hand gesture thing at all. What kind of a narcissist gets a drone to take photos of themselves?
Um...ANY kind of narcissist does that, as that would be the definition of narcissist.
I've never been that interested in the Mavic line and probably would not have watched the whole video if not for such a beautiful girl. But even if I personally don't have much use for the features being tested here I have to say that it's a pretty cool little aircraft.
DS924 Posted at 2018-3-14 06:49
I've never been that interested in the Mavic line and probably would not have watched the whole video if not for such a beautiful girl. But even if I personally don't have much use for the features being tested here I have to say that it's a pretty cool little aircraft.
It does make one wonder, " what's next?"
Isn't she lovely? Wait until she becomes a true drone expert. Isa loves drones and I am sure she will become a master in no time.
It appears the drone takes a Snap-Shot while two-hand framing gesture is still being made.
Is that correct?
If so, is there a way to delay Snap-Shot so a person has a few seconds to pose without their hands making two-hand framing gesture?
DS924 Posted at 2018-3-14 06:49
I've never been that interested in the Mavic line and probably would not have watched the whole video if not for such a beautiful girl. But even if I personally don't have much use for the features being tested here I have to say that it's a pretty cool little aircraft.
It does make one wonder, " what's next?"
thank you!
you should try it sometime, mavic air is definitely fun
i still have some features to try and i'm putting together a video with some footage I did with the mavic air. so there's a lot coming next
HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-3-14 20:16
It appears the drone takes a Snap-Shot while two-hand framing gesture is still being made.
Is that correct?
If so, is there a way to delay Snap-Shot so a person has a few seconds to pose without their hands making two-hand framing gesture?
actually by creating a frame with your fingers you can start (or stop) recording a video. if you make a peace sign the flash indicators will give you a red light sign and then take your photo (drone selfie )
Mavic Ace Posted at 2018-3-14 04:57
I don’t understand the hand gesture thing at all. What kind of a narcissist gets a drone to take photos of themselves?
Yeah, wasn't that a silly question? I'm not interested in pictures of myself, really, but we sociable animals like to share pics and vids - and some will be of ourselves! Isn't it ironic that someone who doesn't get that would be interested enough in these products to even be logged onto this site?!
I pushed "follow me" it made a sound like my 12 year old when told to eat broccoli and flew away. DJI support said I should have known better... (Kidding!! Seriously nice video.)
RichInGa Posted at 2018-3-18 16:46
I pushed "follow me" it made a sound like my 12 year old when told to eat broccoli and flew away. DJI support said I should have known better... (Kidding!! Seriously nice video.)
oh! ahaha maybe it wasn't high enough? the first time i was flying quiet low and it made a strange noise to me as well. in any case, i'm also not very fond of broccoli myself so...
Children in India can be seen spending countless hours at home or at public computer rental shops leveling up their characters, interacting with friends and foes, and generally enjoying themselves with an idea that was started a long time ago by a [url]Ludo [url][/url]Fly[/url] game that simply had two rudders and a digital ball.
Mavic Ace Posted at 2018-3-14 04:57
I don’t understand the hand gesture thing at all. What kind of a narcissist gets a drone to take photos of themselves?