 First Officer
United States
Tomsbird Posted at 2018-3-14 18:30
Sorry but I'm a bit slow having never needed to do this in 3 years of flying so bear with me. If I understand you correctly, while at home with internet access, I go into camera view on the app. I turn on the map view and scroll around until I find the map where I want to fly and then zoom in and out around the area? How do I know if the map is loading? If tried this before without success but maybe I didn't wait long enough? should I see a progress bar or something?
No problem!
Connect to the internet.
Open the app and click on enter device.
Once in the app click on the radar circle and the map will show up on the screen.
Using your fingers zoom out beyond your area/location, example to your state border.
Then turn off WIFI, turn on AIRPLANE MODE and then
turn on GO4 APP click on enter device, then click on the radar,you will see the map and now the trick
is to ZOOM OUT slowly until it load each square and then keep zooming out gradually.
Hope this help!