My spark goes into ATTI Mode even if there are GPS Satellites + Signals.
At this time it's very difficult to control the aircraft - I need to invoke RTH to get the quad back.
Here is my recent video of the same.
I'm thinking to log a ticket with DJI Support - In this case will they Replace the Drone for me. The drone is warranty and I also have DJI Care which allows me three repairs.
Please let me know from the video as to whether anyone facing the same.
Even in a short distance near to me ATTI Mode gets on.
DJI Claims the range 2 KMS with the Remote Controller.
But in this case what's the use if ATTI Mode gets invoked as the Qaud goes little away.
A lot of reversions to ATTI mode are due to compass problems. Make sure before you launch that the actual heading of the Spark is the same as the direction it is headed on the map.
First max distance in Europe is 500 metres not 2km , also in Atti mode you can’t use RTH , RTH needs gps to work so don’t be depending on RTH in Atti mode it won’t work.
hallmark007 Posted at 2018-3-15 11:55
First max distance in Europe is 500 metres not 2km , also in Atti mode you can’t use RTH , RTH needs gps to work so don’t be depending on RTH in Atti mode it won’t work.
Shall i do the FCC mod for the Spark atleast I'll get more control.
It’s up to yourself I’ve had no problems with distance but many have, one problem it might cause a problem with warranty, but many have used it very successfully.
I had the same issue. Turned out to be a faulty GPS module. Had it replaced and all OK now. Sending the craft back to DJI is not feasible ( I live in brazil). To my luck nearby there is a tech office specialized in DJI repairs.
Hi, please change an environment and enter the wifi setting and see if most channel are green. If the problem remains, please export the flight data and the black box for analysis. You can upload it to dropbox and post the link here. Thanks for your support.
PieterBrazilDrone Posted at 2018-3-15 14:24
I had the same issue. Turned out to be a faulty GPS module. Had it replaced and all OK now. Sending the craft back to DJI is not feasible ( I live in brazil). To my luck nearby there is a tech office specialized in DJI repairs.
Hi, did you fix your drone? If not, please contact our support and start a case:
I believe they will try their best to help you solve the problem.
I have done the same today - Have opened a support ticket.
I have DJI Care and 2 attempts remaining for repair so i hope they replace the GPS module or something.
Just one question - Does the DJI Refresh package cover loss of drone?
i'm in germany and i have personal liability insurance for the spark - which means the insurance will cover any damage done to another person's property due to my spark but will not cover damage to the spart itself.
I'm looking out for something where if my spark is lost I can get atleast 70% or 100% of the amount back as a claim - 70% will also do so that I can buy a new Spark / Mavic Pro.