 First Officer
United States
djiuser_MP6tU5QeaIZP Posted at 2018-3-19 22:06
It’s comparable if it runs latest version of iOS.. Apple manages compability not the developers.. once dev has opted for iPhone and iPad versions Apple then handle all backend compability.. basic end on devices ability to run min specs for the os needed. that’s how iOS works it’s a highly unified OS..
Basically this means say dji submitted an iPad version to Apple with min spec needed being iOS 11.. any iPad running iOS 11 will be able to utilize the app even if it’s a bit slow..
Issue is, the iPad or iPhone might run GO4 app, but that does not mean iPad or iPhone has enough horsepower to keep up with load put on it by GO4 app when drone is flying, sending back video, and trying to store the video.
That is why people need to go by blessed device list put out by DJI.
I would never go with bare minimum on DJI's blessed list. Always better to have some spare CPU cycles, large caches, extra memory, better graphics co-processor, etc. Factoring in, you are putting a $1,000 or more drone on the line.