On 26/5/2015, I calibrated my inspire 1 than made sure there was a GPS single and flew it with the first battery without any problems. Changed the battery and flew again for couple of minutes and landed it without any issues. I always place the inspire in front of me facing ahead as instructed by DJI. As soon as I took off the inspire went full speed backward as it was charging on me, I ducked so it missed me by an inch. I directed it up to avoid trees and others obstacle and the inspire had a mind of its own. It started flying away and making crazy turns, I tried to control but I had a little response. I used the RTH but no response also. I was flying it in a valley, it kept on going until it reached the other side of the valley and crashed. I had to drive more than 10 km around the valley to reach to it. I found it crashed, the battery was out and broken, the camera and gimbal broken and found 10 m away, the carbon arms and props broken. I am devastated, I have invested a lot in my inspire, I have a second remote and 3 extra batteries. I use it for my work as Aerial photographer. I have a lot of bookings ahead, this week I lost 2 events shooting. All I can say thanks God the inspire didn’t lose control when I had an event shooting with a lot of people. This could have been a disaster. Please help me,vwhat to do so DJI explains what happen and how DJI will reimburse me. |