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Video Of flight record ( bird going crazy)
3903 25 2015-5-6
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United States

This is a video of the flight record of how nuts it went after take off.    It says that i use assist take off when i didnt kind of weird.   

please see the link Below

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

Link doesn't work
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United States

Got it you can see the video NOW, sorry thanks!
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Captain Obvious

That looks like that Old school video game "Asteroids" lol. Just the way yours is all over the place

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Captain Obvious

Come to think of it...Even the image looks the same lol

Sorry just reminds me of that game lol

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United States

lol it does! love your sense of humor! wish it was that funny when it happened!
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Captain Obvious

I swear....If you edit your video with that games sound it would fit right in ...But is sad that we or most are having serious issues so soon.
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Flight distance : 18931532 ft
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United States

That had to be the longest 2 1/2 minute flight of your life. Glad you were able to get it under control. I am assuming that is water you are flying by?
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United States

Yes it was a very long flight... at one moment my i had that weird sensation on your stomach... i was nervouse just thinking what to do if the bird didnt slow down,  i honestly was afraid of losing it and for it to hurt some one. I had boats  to my left, it was nerve-racking. At some point it would go full throttle and it was har to manuver. I knew that if i couldnt get full control and if the battery where low I was going to have to crash the bird against the tree. The water was not an option as i knew that recovering the bird would be impossible, if i went towards the cement i would have an inspire 1 in pieces. So the tree was the best option.  all the threadas about fly away and ispire 1 crashes came in mind. I dint want to be part of that group... Thankfully i somehow manage to land it so I am happy. I still have to sent out my inspire1 to DJI for them to check it out so no bird for the next 6 moths......I was looking forward to fly my baby now that the weather will be on the 80's and i am getting the filter  at the end of the month. lets hope for some miracle and i will get it sooner....
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United States

sbarryjackson@s Posted at 2015-5-7 07:31
That had to be the longest 2 1/2 minute flight of your life. Glad you were able to get it under cont ...

Yes it was a very long flight... at one moment my i had that weird sensation on your stomach... i was nervouse just thinking what to do if the bird didnt slow down,  i honestly was afraid of losing it and for it to hurt some one. I had boats  to my left, it was nerve-racking. At some point it would go full throttle and it was har to manuver. I knew that if i couldnt get full control and if the battery where low I was going to have to crash the bird against the tree. The water was not an option as i knew that recovering the bird would be impossible, if i went towards the cement i would have an inspire 1 in pieces. So the tree was the best option.  all the threadas about fly away and ispire 1 crashes came in mind. I dint want to be part of that group... Thankfully i somehow manage to land it so I am happy. I still have to sent out my inspire1 to DJI for them to check it out so no bird for the next 6 moths......I was looking forward to fly my baby now that the weather will be on the 80's and i am getting the filter  at the end of the month. lets hope for some miracle and i will get it sooner....
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Second Officer
Hong Kong

Cannot see the exact flight mode in that flight from replay.
Since your fisrt flight after firmware upgrade was just fine, my guess is there was some interference sources nearby caused compass interference problem so the flight mode jumped to ATTI. It made it harder to control.But flight logs can tell more, if you need us to read the logs, fill a form I sent you then send me the logs.
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United States

Dude - that was terrifying to watch!! Sometimes I feel like I need to stop reading the forums, ignorance is bliss, and that kind of thing, but as an operator, I just can't turn my back on the wealth of knowledge here. I have four locations scheduled to shoot tomorrow, shot two today, and now all I can think about is whether or not I need to worry. I haven't had any problems as of yet, but apparently, neither had you until then. How the hell are we supposed to fly confidently?
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Flight distance : 120784 ft
United Kingdom

What were your mod values (Gyro and Accelerometer) when doing your pre flight checklist immediately prior to launch?
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United Kingdom

Funnily enough I had exactly the same this weekend. Ive had no problems whatsoever until this latest update and I had some real problems calibrating after the update. Eventually it did work and perhaps I should have heeded the warning and been less ambitious with my first flight following the update (I was flying in a confined garden). I was fine for the first few minutes. Landed then took off again and the bird switched to atti mode I am guessing because it drifted towards some trees. In an attempt to avoid those I took the bird up and I then had no control and it flew behind me, back across me, served to the left and as I brought it down, it crashed. Luckily apart from losing 4 props, I have straightened the left leg and all seems ok but it was a shock. Given I have my flight test next week for my CAA approval it couldn't have been worse timing!
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United States

michaelanthony. Posted at 2015-5-18 15:04
Dude - that was terrifying to watch!! Sometimes I feel like I need to stop reading the forums, ignor ...

Hope your Video Shoots went well with you inspire 1... I hope i feel great about flying it when i get it back from DJI, they said it would be better than new! Lets hope that is true. I want to get some aerial Videos of Downtown, but now I feel a bit scare.  We will see when I get it Back.. Have yet to hear from DJI, I don't think they have even Check my bird.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-5-18 18:23
What were your mod values (Gyro and Accelerometer) when doing your pre flight checklist immediately  ...

Everything was Good! I don't know what really happen. I have see multiple videos or threads about the same Issue... Sucks !
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United States

nigel.keene@whi Posted at 2015-5-18 18:41
Funnily enough I had exactly the same this weekend. Ive had no problems whatsoever until this latest ...

WOW! I hope your Bird doesn't act crazy when you take it to get you're CAA approval. Make sure all the lights are good, calibrate everything, make sure to warm up your motor very well before taking off. Having them ON for a little will maybe show you if there something wrong with your bird before takING OFF. I hope that when they do come out with a new firmware update that it does solve the many bugs and issues with the Inspire 1. Best of Luck!
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JKT Posted at 2015-5-18 23:26
Hope your Video Shoots went well with you inspire 1... I hope i feel great about flying it when i  ...

Aerial footage of downtown?  Where are you allowed to do that?  Not in this country that is for sure.
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United States

Shadrack Posted at 2015-5-19 07:12
Aerial footage of downtown?  Where are you allowed to do that?  Not in this country that is for su ...

well some parts of down town, I have seen other videos taken with an inspire 1. Are you in the USA? just curious. I can't wait to get it back I was finally able to edit a video of previous stuff I shot during my vacation to Puerto Rico, Can't wait to fly it and get some footage now that we finally have great temperatures.below is the link of the video. don't k ow how good is the quality of the video using YOUTUBE. But it sure looks amazing in my 5k iMac.
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United Kingdom

JKT Posted at 2015-5-18 23:35
WOW! I hope your Bird doesn't act crazy when you take it to get you're CAA approval. Make sure all ...

Thanks JKT. In many respects the Inspire is a fantastic tool but there IS a question over its reliability and its a shame because it does affect confidence when flying it. I'm sure it will get sorted however and I just hope that I can get it through next Wednesday when I do my flight test.
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JKT Posted at 2015-5-19 08:23
well some parts of down town, I have seen other videos taken with an inspire 1. Are you in the USA ...

No in Canada, but we are loving he new laws and how Transport Canada is dealing with it.
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United States

As drones become popular they are increasing the rules as to what we can and can't do! It will be a matter of time till they crazy regulate our every moves! I saw on the news that they want to pass a law that in order to fly drones on public parks and the beaach you have to get a permit.  I fnd that very stupid. according to the city The reason being is to have more control and to make it safer for every one.
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On 26/5/2015, I calibrated my inspire 1 than made sure there was a GPS single and flew it with the first battery without any problems. Changed the battery and flew again for couple of minutes and landed it without any issues. I always place the inspire in front of me facing ahead as instructed by DJI. As soon as I took off the inspire went full speed backward as it was charging on me, I ducked so it missed me by an inch. I directed it up to avoid trees and others obstacle and the inspire had a mind of its own. It started flying away and making crazy turns, I tried to control but I had a little response. I used the RTH but no response also. I was flying it in a valley, it kept on going until it reached the other side of the valley and crashed. I had to drive more than 10 km around the valley to reach to it. I found it crashed, the battery was out and broken, the camera and gimbal broken and found 10 m away, the carbon arms and props broken. I am devastated, I have invested a lot in my inspire, I have a second remote and 3 extra batteries. I use it for my work as Aerial photographer. I have a lot of bookings ahead, this week I lost 2 events shooting. All I can say thanks God the inspire didn’t lose control when I had an event shooting with a lot of people. This could have been a disaster. Please help me,vwhat to do so DJI explains what happen and how DJI will reimburse me.
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United States

wow I am sorry to hear that happened to you, thankfully like you said it didn't happen at the video shoot. I just posted something to Tahoe asking him if they know what's causing this issue to many inspire 1 owners!  I am sure DJI has to take responsibility as this is becoming something normal to the inspire 1 community. I hope to get back my bird soon and when I do I hope I can gain confidence to be able to fly it without being scare in any way or form. it's sad that we take the steps to make sure that  all is good when flying but it seems like we can't trust this beautiful machine. if DJI would come up with some firmware update that will completely solve any issues and bugs!  I hope you call DJI and explain what happened to you so that you can send it to get fix ASAP.  please keep us posted and if you can attached a video of your flight log so that we can see and MAYBE THEN Dji will pay some attention to this forum. Everyone who has experienced this with the I1 has the same identical experience, there's no way that DJI can say oh it's pilot error. For the amount of money that we have paid for this drone they should as a billionaire company place their priority on this matter. I Understand that they want to develop and keep making money but how fair is for them to keep selling a faulty product. DJI WE WANT ANSWERS! I Don't even think they read or care about this forum anymore!
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Flight distance : 519275 ft

Looks like it's in ATTI mode.
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Flight distance : 1751102 ft
United Kingdom

nigel.keene@whi Posted at 2015-5-18 18:41
Funnily enough I had exactly the same this weekend. Ive had no problems whatsoever until this latest ...

How did you get on with your flight test? I've just submitted my operations manual...
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