 First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft
I can confirm that the S9+ works well with the Mavic Pro.
I bought this version because of the very bright screen and poor reports of Crystal Sky. I was otherwise delighted with the Samsung J7, so the Crystal Sky was my preferred choice.
There are practical issues that have made me regret the decision of the S9+ for use with the drone.
The penalty for a large and superb screen is greatly reduced battery life when at full brightness, droning. This can be improved very slightly by using the lowest screen resolution, you don't need the higher res in flight.
Even though the memory is 4GB compared with the 1GB on the J7, Samsung bloatware which can't be disabled will reduce this to 3GB at best, but can easily drop to 1.5GB. The J7 had less memory when running, but you could control it better. The point is, the bigger memory will soon vanish with App updates and added apps. On Android devices, in conjunction with drones, this can cause disaster.
It is essential with android to kill off all apps after starting the controller and then start GO4. Maximum memory is the holy grail for trouble free flight. Apple have strict App control so apple rocks in this respect.
Because of the soft buttons on the S9+, the controller arms cover them if pushed home. The last thing you want is the expensive phone falling out of the controller.
At the top of the screen is the light sensor. That gets covered as well by the other arm. The workaround is to set the slider to full brightness and switch off auto brightness. Annoying, because after droning, it needs to be reset.
There are various speed settings you can chose to help with battery life. However, I have not dared use anything but maximum in case it causes issues with GO4.
With the phone at 100%, after one full flight, the controller shows about 60%. The phone battery drops similarly. I wouldn't attempt a third battery without a full recharge of phone and controller.
The J7 seemed to drop a few % per battery. I swear, you could start a lorry with the battery in the J7 it is so massive.
In conclusion, S9+ has a brilliant screen and it works well with GO4