First Officer
Flight distance : 503241 ft
As long as they aren't damaged or worn, they should last forever. Flying in dusty environments will cause friction with abrasive particles, slowly wearing them down. Hard landings and tumbles will cause small nicks and abrasions. Most of this wear will be minor, and still airworthy. You will know if you see something major that is out of place. Best to swap the set at that point, the props are very inexpensive for the important role they play. Also be aware of thread wear that could arise from constant attaching/disconnecting them from the motors. This should take quite some time to occur though.
Occasionally people attach a prop by feel, and might not tighten them sufficiently or not bottom them out, perhaps due to wear or foreign material/grit on the thread. In certain flying conditions (e.g. hard acceleration and braking) a loose prop can work its way off, finally disconnecting altogether. This is pretty rare though. As long as you are careful to ensure the props are screwed on sufficiently and nipped up firmly at the end, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. |