Flight distance : 914321 ft
United States
As a customer service agent for a software company, let me explain something to those who criticize newbees. The DJI official manual has sections that are very confusing, or that don't provide enough information. For instance there are references to 'the LED light' without explaining to a new user whether its a light on the controller, the range extender on P2, or on the drone.
Many people who ask questions are not lazy. Most have tried to read the User Guide. But they may easily be CONFUSED. The use of lots acronyms like "RTH" saves space, but it also means that the reader must memorize the full meaning of every acronym. It can be hard to locate a specific reference in the User Guide because one is not sure what section to look under, and DJI doesnt even provide an INDEX in back of the User Guide to topics, with their page numbers noted.
Not everyone knows that when using Adobe Reader to view the User Guide, you can use the Search box (magnifying glass) to search for the location(s) of any word within the entire document. (But a beginner may not have enough knowledge yet to even know what word or term to search for.) That's why we have a forum. Thanks, folks. |