Flight distance : 9750253 ft
United States
Had recently picked up a used P4 off of eBay to replace one that disappeared a few weeks ago and has yet to be found, The one that I lost had a top flight distance of 31738 ft (6.01 mi) on a single charged battery, Today I decided to see how far my most recent aquisition would go... and was blown away at 37879 ft (7.18 mi) and whats wild is that todays flight only used up 75% of the battery where the previous one used 82%
I would never have guessed that there would be that much difference in the efficiency of one P4 over another. I know that weather, wind, ect all plays a factor in the flight time acheived however from the first flight I flew over 10 minutes with this latest bird it caught my attention that the power consumption was nothing near the previous P4.
Has anybody else experienced such a large difference in performance of 2 of the same models?