Flight distance : 135387 ft
Hi all,
yesterday morning I've updated my iPhone iOS to 11.3 and decided to take my Mavic Air for a spin. After automatic takeoff the aircraft reached the usual 1-1.5 meters and started shaking in the air accompanied by weird noise. On the app I saw error saying something like "extra load or propeller guards are detected" but it was not the case. I landed immediately and checked the propellers but no issue was visible. I performed secondary attempt and lost connection to the aircraft at around 50 meters but hopefully it returned to home point safe. I've hanged the location even I was not able to find any Wi-Fi networks around that could interfere. The story repeated - lost connection and RTH. Today I tested the drone again at a completely different location was not able to calibrate it. I got message saying something like "Detected high magnetic field. Error in calibration ...etc." and I was afraid even to try to take off and shut it down. My iOS, app and drone are with latest official firmware. Can the reason be the latest iOS update or faulty aircraft/remote? Thanks in advanse!