bzykac 2
Flight distance : 14800 ft
Same card has been inserted to my laptop, and it shows the same problem. Desktop computer has Windows 8.1 and upgraded to Windows 10 (free upgrade from Microsoft), when on my laptop I have Windows 10.
On both computers I have Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 installed. I don't have same issues with Nikon .NEF files, all have same resolution, on a card, on the computer after. I think Windows only reading basic information, which should be correct no matter which file format. The only problem can be, opening that kind of file if you don't have codec or plugin installed, and none of the programs will show the picture.
Now I opened DNG file in other programs I have, and they show in full screen, and also image properties are 3992x2242. Looks like Windows 10 not recognizing image properties properly, as Adobe is a competitors file system.
I think this problem is solved, as me or neither you will not be able to solve or fix it, and only Microsoft
Nikon files