Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14892759 ft
Last June, I took my delivery of my Mavic Pro. It wasn't my first quad. I had retired my 3DR Solo. I came to this forum and found a lot of people complaining about DJI and their equipment. I must be the exception. Mine has been flawless.
Today was a great day.
3,299,611 Feet travel distance. Thats:
1,005,721 meters or
1,005.7 Kilometers.
Now the reason that I want to thank DJI, is this. No crashes, no accidents, nothing but perfect flights each and every time. The ONLY time that I've had problems was due to a faulty USB cable. Replaced that, and perfect flights. And using a Note 5, which isn't even on the list. LOL
The only thing that my props have touched since June is Air... (Well, there was that one blade of grass.... )
So.. Thank you to DJI for creating such a masterpeice, and thank you to each and everyone of you that have helped me become a better pilot.